What accountability should elected officials have to the constituents who voted them into office? Today I am chatting with Sacha Haworth, Executive Director of The Tech Oversight Project, about her work previously for and now against Senator Kyrsten Sinema (AZ) and how that switch came to pass.
You’ll also hear:
The truth about Sinema’s political party stance and shift after being elected as a Democratic senator in Arizona
Sinema’s claiming credit for things she didn’t do (drought prevention legislation put forward by other senators)
What happens when you burn all possible bridges politically
The Tech Oversight Project and what it stands for
And more!
More About Sacha:
Sacha Haward, Executive Director of The Tech Oversight Project, is a veteran of political campaigns all over the country and has worked at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, House Majority PAC, and on Capitol Hill. During the 2020 presidential election, Sacha ran the paid media program for American Bridge 21st Century, which used targeted television, radio, digital, and mail to persuade former Trump voters in rural areas. Sacha received her Masters in Public Policy from Georgetown University’s McCourt School of Public Policy in 2016.
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