January 31 marks the first anniversary of The Play Typer Guy’s full-time debut. My inaugural piece about the Right’s obsession with Taylor Swift has unfortunately aged well.
The past year has been perhaps my most fulfilling professionally. I’ve stretched my journalistic muscles at
while steering my own ship here at the newsletter, where I can spend a week writing about Wicked.However, I think this is what I do well — examining today’s politics through a cultural lens, and rather than dwelling on the negative, I’ve tried to give voice to the positive through my interviews with wonderful people.
I’m delighted with how much The Play Typer Guy has grown over the past year and continues to thrive. I appreciate our community of commentators who make me feel as if I’m not just howling into the wind.
My greatest thanks to everyone who’s supported my work. I want to continue to make this newsletter worth your time. Paid subscribers help keep my content free for everyone, and I appreciate your investment in independent journalism.
I hope those of you who joined up in 2024 will stay with me through 2025. (Please make sure your payment information is updated.) If for any reason, you don’t wish to purchase a subscription through Substack, you can do so through the PayPal and Venmo links below. You can also set your own price there, as well. Any amount is appreciated, and gets you a signed photo of me. (Just joking, that only happens if you cancel your subscription.)
You are definitely not just howling into the wind, Stephen. I subscribe to a multitude of Substacks, and yours and Jeff Tiedrich’s are the only two I always read, without fail. (Info/analysis overload, especially these days.) Thanks a million for being here.
You're a treasure, SER! You were one of my favorites at Wonkette and you're one of the newsletters I read consistently.