Belated Happy Birthday, SER.

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So the only decision Alito gets to make at home is meatloaf or chicken? Did Martha-Ann send him to obedience training?

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I feel the need to question Alito's "Christian" credentials, since the shocking revelation that he allows his wife to hold political opinions.

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May 31Liked by Stephen Robinson

“ A treason flag has more rights in Alito’s America than a woman’s uterus.”

Dayum you are good.

The only minor chuckle, sadly, in an otherwise scary story. If it was not for that comment, I was starting to doubt whether I was on the right side. Thanks for bringing it home and giving me the will to keep going.

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May 31Liked by Stephen Robinson

Does Trump know any language other than that from a two bit gangster movie? Alito is a “tough guy”. No, Alito is a Christian nationalist jackass.

My mother is the opinion if the supreme court grants immunity then Biden should refuse to leave office for the sake of the country. I said he can’t/won’t do that. Her thought is desperate times call for desperate measures. Maybe she’s right.

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May 31Liked by Stephen Robinson

"she therefore has the legal right to use the property as she sees fit. There’s nothing I could do.”

Interesting theory there, Alito. Let's run it up the flagpole and see who salutes.

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May 31Liked by Stephen Robinson

We desperately need to dump the sclerotic Democratic leadership and get people in there that are not beholden to decades of comity. Also "senate" is the worst institution in DC, $CROTUS is close but senate takes the prize.

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May 31Liked by Stephen Robinson

That's the joy of how the United States was made, for the pleasure and benefit of those specific kinds of landowner. Because the whole system is designed for them to have majorities that are unable to be dislodged.

And the beauty of this is the Senate, because to get our numbers up we will need Senators in conservative, rural states. So sausage will have to be made if this can be addressed by court expansion. Same as it ever was.

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