Feb 7Liked by Stephen Robinson

Exactly I stopped speaking to my oldest daughter after she sent $ to the attempted insurrection. My family is aghast. It’s the least I can do. They’re in an altered reality.

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Don’t worry bringing unwanted life into the world is becoming a thing of the past because women are almost unfuckable. Their repugnant views on almost everything are turning men off in droves

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I believe MLK had Things to Say about White Liberals.

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Feb 2Liked by Stephen Robinson

I have a t-shirt that says, "Let Zygons be Zygons"

One of these days we need to have a beer over some serious Doctor Who discussion.

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"Every so often, I have a conversation with a well-meaning, very nice white liberal"

IMHO liberal belongs in quotes.

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It's true, Stephen. I've had to cut out so many family members and friends over this crap. I used to be very open minded and had no problem being friends with conservatives but now just thinking about that makes me shudder... How close I might have come to getting hurt without even knowing it. I'm opinionated and not afraid to share it, and I just never considered that the other person's brain might be full of the type of poison that could endanger me. Until the 2016 election, that is.

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The sellout by the Evangelicals’ power-hungry grifters has had a profound effect on this divide, in my humble opinion. They are “creating devils to make themselves appear to be saints. These huge megachurches have become like crime syndicates stealing money from people who are not well educated to finance lives of luxury. Separation of Church and State is now just a myth!

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Jan 12Liked by Stephen Robinson

I once nce remarked that "we're the bad guys because we want you to have health care and a living wage?" The reply was, "that's not what you want. I KNOW what you're really up to!" 🤷‍♀️

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Exactly Leslie. I'm sick of being made out as the bad guy for fighting for people.

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Seems pretty nefarious if you ask me...

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That’s what makes no fucking sense to me. I mean sure, perhaps you could accuse Democrats and liberals of being naïve or high in the sky dreamers. Neither of which I would agree with, but I could at least understand the rationale behind some right winger making that argument. But the idea that we are murderous conniving and evil just makes no sense. Pick a fucking lane for Christ sake. Once again right wing projection reveals itself to be an uncanny predictor of the right wing mind.

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It's just like the immigrant myths: simultaneously irredeemably lazy and shiftless and also dead set on taking every job that would otherwise go to a good god fearing white conservative.

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Excellent point 👍

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Exactly. I'm sick and tired of being treated like a bad person for doing the right thing and helping others. It's just rightwing gaslighting. KGB Playbook.

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Fascism makes up into down and makes the concepts of right and wrong incredibly situational.

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It’s totally gaslighting. Good call. It bears mentioning that these are the same people that vilify the notion of the social justice warrior, or the community activist. How the fuck can anyone frame those as ‘bad things’? Oh, and also ‘left-wing agenda’ . This notion that everyone doesn’t have an agenda. Hell, even on a boring day my agenda is to get up and make a cup of coffee and some breakfast and at least get out to take a walk around the block. how do you turn “agenda” quote into a dirty word? It’s infuriating…

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It's pure weaponization of completely innocuous words like "Woke" and "Abortion" to confuse and rile up their less contemplative base. Easy pickin's. They don't think things through so much😆

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Jan 11Liked by Stephen Robinson

Let's not forget the first message the Republican party ascribed to, and That nitwit trump.

"DON'T believe your eyes or ears"!

Stay ignorant so we can steal your Democracy is what I heard.

So I started my journey into politics 101. I followed all the educated and experienced on twter. I kept on before and while that po fo was in office. I won't follow all his bs these days. In 1961 I was born, I was never taught to disrespect people, any people. I was taught the basics in school. I was taught in class that we are a melting pot of people.

I always lived by that and to be kind to others, I learned the later by having faith in God. This has carried me throughout my life.

I will say I have been short tempered, as I carried with me, this defense mechanism to protect myself. Rough and tough childhood will do that, but it doesn't make all of us a holes. Trump had a silver spoon upbringing and he's the biggest a hole. I'm so appalled that the Wannabe Mobster is running again. Here's hoping he is held accountable for his actual crimes.

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Jan 11Liked by Stephen Robinson

It seems to me that there are places in this country where those in power have turned political parties into teams so hard that there are people afraid to BE Democrats. And I suppose I can believe that those people live with much more fear than I do when I vote or go about my everyday life disagreeing with others, in a state where there are more liberals than conservatives. But I’ve lost my ability to be kind to them. I’ve lost my interest in having any parties where some dipshit decides to tell me how Democrats like me are or flaunts racism.

The thing is, we used to disagree on political issues, and we could discuss that. Like, we could talk about how we felt about abortion, and no one yelled that Dems were killing babeezzzz despite being a giant Catholic family. We could talk about how we thought the economy should work, and unions, with disagreement but not vicious rhetoric. We could talk about the hurdles facing people of color in our community, or how we felt about how best to help refugees, or how immigration ought to work, or whether women with children ought to work. Every issue of the day, we could talk about relatively politely, even when we disagreed. Grandma (D) and Grandpa (R) both believed in the basic humanity of people everywhere, though. We assumed the purpose of the discussion was to make things better for everyone, including people not like us, even as “us” became a more multi-racial, multi-religion, multi-sexuality group.

That’s all gone. There is no way to argue politely anymore, not because the liberals won’t make an attempt to explain their thinking and consider a conservative’s viewpoint, but because the conservatives just spout talking points they cannot defend and cite “facts” that are lies. They may blame the pandemic for killing off 90 years of extended family Christmas, but it’s not that we had to Zoom for a few years, it’s that they stopped believing in the basic rights and humanity of people not like them, and now we don’t want to see them. It’s heartbreaking but I’m not going to tell my trans cousin that I’m partying with the cousin-once-removed who is trying to legislate them into the closet. I’m not expecting my white cousin whose wife is black to tolerate the cousin’s kid who believes in white replacement theory.

I don’t know how we fix this but I sure wish I didn’t have so many white friends whose opinion is “what can you do? Family!” BS. Speak up.

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I've lost the majority of family and friends over this. I live in a very Red area, and I've seen it devolve right in front of me even though it was barely even evolved before. There is no reasoning with people who have given up on reason altogether. We will have to find ways to make new family units other than the family of our origins. That's all we can do, even though it's a sad proposition, it beats acquiescence to fascist ideology.

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“ Every issue of the day, we could talk about relatively politely, even when we disagreed.”

Which only works as long as their right wing ‘wish lists’ aren’t being written into law every day.

For example , before the Dobbs decision, those kinds of arguments remained in some kind of theoretical space because not too long ago, as much as right wingers were opposed to abortion, women still had access to it. But now that women are literally dying from that decision, those discussions take on a much darker dimension. They are no longer happening in some theoretical space. And therefore their arguments become indefensible in a way that they weren’t before.

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Jan 11Liked by Stephen Robinson

They need to be asked directly Do you believe that Black Americans should be enslaved again? Will you reverse the Emancipation Proclamation?

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That will be a No! Human beings should not be punished/singled out because of their skin color.

I'm only Human after all, Don't put your blame on me! Line from a song I recently found.

We are responsible to ourselves, to be better citizens to keep a civil union, after all we read lately you'd think we have forgotten, we Americans embrace diversity, and relish in different cultures of food and tradition. Fear faction, the Republicans have embraced is Not real to me. I'm a white American and I love people and their history, if I'm lucky enough to hear their stories. Please be safe out there on the roads and it only takes a smile to get one back.


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Don’t be ridiculous of course we don’t.

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Who are ‘we’ exactly?

SOME ‘we’ are Nikki Haley and you can’t have missed her racism denial speech and subsequent doubledowns

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I’d read about her comments, which were bad enough, but I recently saw the video and it’s even worse hearing her say those things. Cringe

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It is a study in internalized self loathing coupled with naked ambition and it is ugly.

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There can be no unity with the Godless Democrats. They devalue human life with unfettered abortion and devalue America with open borders. Also the incessant calling us racist isn’t an argument it shows your ignorance!

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Fuck off Phillip. Republicans are so hot to force people to bring more life into the world only to turn around and look the other way when those lives are miserable and inadequate due to their policies. They want zombie workers and cannon fodder and whatever those precious fetuses get up to in the years in between their usefulness is of no concern.

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And ‘Godless’ republicans devalue human life by gutting education, banning books, cutting food security for LITERAL CHILDREN, and voting for politicians that separate children from their parents and write laws to bring back LITERAL child labor…

Your point? You got NOTHIN ‘ Hoss and you know it.

Once a kid is old enough to know their own name, have friends, a family who knows their little peccadillos, and a personality and opinions on broccoli, they’re on their own AMIRIGHT!!!!

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Jan 11Liked by Stephen Robinson

I agree. We cannot change the minds of racist, anti-LGBTQ MAGAs. Cruelty and intolerance is the appeal of the GOP. Anything to feel superior to us.

Therefore, I'm here only to say: Peter Capaldi's Doctor is the best!

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Capaldi really was magnificent as the Doctor, wasn't he? Especially in scenes like the one above.

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Capaldi had the best scripts of the modern Doctors, which gave him the opportunity for such passionate delivery!

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Nice you have memorized all of the talking points. No evidence offered just the usual BS..

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It's good to know who to block. ByeBye Philip.

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The funniest part about Philip is that only paying subscribers can comment on this substack.

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Oh shit, wow. Lol

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Education is the key to everything you aspire to. Unless your just naturally talented.

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Jan 11Liked by Stephen Robinson

Absolutely agree. It's all about turnout the bases now. MAGA has consumed that whole environment because they want the ethnic cleansing. They blame minorities for anything that's wrong in their lives, and the well-heeled, petit bourgeoisie among them love ruining their own careers for benefit of President Klan Robe.

I've reached out to talk to friends like this sometimes, who got consumed by MAGA and like Barney Frank once said, "it's like talking to a table." The dopamine hit of bigotry is too strong and sometimes you just have to let go. It's sad seeing people get consumed by this death cult but in the end it's what they want. And what they want isn't you.

Because of how America is organized these people have disproportionate power (and a lot of media help) but it's not insurmountable.

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I couldn't understand why my non-white stepson was a trumper but it's also about male dominance. 💔

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Because he was intelligent

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Jan 10Liked by Stephen Robinson

My solution is to donate to United Rural Democrats (https://www.unitedruraldemocrats.org/). They can talk to these mad hatters in a way that I can’t because I just get too pissed off.

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My strategy is to stay the hell away from the MAGAts. I don’t care about their feelings, I don’t care about their concerns and, quite frankly, I don’t give a fuck if they live or die. I’d rather focus on getting our side to show up and vote against every Republican in every election starting with the next one.

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