By the way, isn’t it odd that Biden has the justice department as his personal weapon, and yet he can’t stop the prosecution of his only son?

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“Democrats can’t avoid this fight.”

I mean this is everything, right here! Dem leadership, IMHO, needs to look at the smarts and spirit of people like Jasmine Crockett, Jamie Raskin, Maxwell Frost, AOC, and Jared Moskowitz, and get inspired. This bunch is educated (and actually do have the best words!) and intelligent, and they have a way of conveying the sense of urgency of the moment while maintaining a spark of humor and liveliness, which can help stave off public despair.

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Chris Sununu is my governor. He is beginning to position himself as a presidential candidate.

I beseech everyone to remind the public of his craven flip-flop on the topic of Trump. He has always been a weasel (4 terms as governor and never got any better), and he’ll continue to be a weasel as he runs for higher office.

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I slogged through the entire Fauci hearing today in the House (yes, I have WAY too much time on my hands, and yes, I am a masochist. Can we just move on, please). This clip which features my current fiancé, (it's a constant rotation of fiancés, so no judgement. Thanks.) has a specific reference to convicted felon at 2:01, but the entire clip is well worth enjoying. The bolder, more articulate, and intellectual Democrats are making this connection, and hammering away at it. My guess is Congressman Raskin will get lots of publicity on this clip. His colleagues will notice, and follow his example.

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Biden campaign needs to get some of the actual women (non-identified, because you know)and pregnancy/healthcare nightmares that have been documented since Roe overturned. Start in Texas.

Real people narratives, maybe some ob/gyn testimony.

People won’t remember what they hear about the economy or unemployment, they will remember how they feel when they hear a real life story connected with a compassionate candidate.

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Governor Beshear (D) in deep red KY won his reelection because a woman victimized by incest was willing to share her story in a campaign ad. Democratic voters are motivated by these stories.

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Jun 3Liked by Stephen Robinson

The Dems messaging seemed to be moving in the “fight fire with fire” but more intelligent responses and then seemed to just dry up. I understand that being held accountable for their march towards burning down our Democracy looks like political persecution to the RWNJ’s but not to those who are undecided. It’s time to start getting dirty, like a southerner who speaks so nicely it’s takes you awhile to realize that they told you to fuck off. It CAN be done.

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The Democrats have always sucked at messaging. I'm sure they've been told that. Why are they not doing anything about it 🤔

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Jun 3Liked by Stephen Robinson

Totally agree. I want Democrats echoing Eisen in the NYT: here are the reasons Trump’s conviction means he should go to jail. Every Republican candidate should be confronted with Trump’s guilt, with no allowance for “but Hunter” or “but Clinton.” If they want Hunter and Trump equivalence, let’s say that means neither should be running for president. I’m counting on massive “convicted felon” displays around Milwaukee during July’s Republican convention, no matter what sentence Judge Merchan decides on (it should be four years in prison).

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In most countries, the leaders of failed coups and insurrections don’t get this much ‘due process’. They get more immediate justice.

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Jun 3Liked by Stephen Robinson

Nikki Haley also said at least three times that she would pardon Trump if he was convicted of any of his crimes. Republicans once claimed to ostensibly be for the rule of law before they were against it.

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Jun 3Liked by Stephen Robinson

That is why American women are free to fly upside-down flags but not access reproductive care.*

*Offer only open to Martha-Ann Alito and is good at all primary residences and vacation homes in the country.

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Jun 3Liked by Stephen Robinson

My first thought on hearing that $52m figure (it was originally $34m - quelle coincidence! was, according to WHOM? There is absolutely no reason to take the Convicted Melon's figures at face value, any time, ever.

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But, maddeningly, everyone in the MSM repeats what must be a bullshit figure.

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Jun 3Liked by Stephen Robinson

Can’t recall where I read it about Erik Prince’s WhatsApp of Bond villains, but the dems need to tie this to Trump. His election would make him the useful idiot they need to remake this country into Handmaids Tale LARP.

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Jun 3Liked by Stephen Robinson

“You may have seen the news this week?”

Point taken, but I think the statement was intended to be sarcastic.

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Jun 3Liked by Stephen Robinson

I’m sure you were aware of that, Stephen, but great excuse to use the ol’ Peele “Seriously, motherfucker?” head roll.

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Jun 3Liked by Stephen Robinson

Trump was a national loser even before he became a convicted felon. There is simply no possible way that this will help him.

All Democratic pols EXCEPT Biden should keep hammering hard on the criminal record. Biden should continue to simply state that the justice system worked fairly and a jury did good work.

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I, too, agree. Let Biden stay out of it while touting his presidential accomplishments and let the rest of the Democrats go after trump's hangers-on and sycophants. Nail them with all their lies and everything they've said about trump in the past (and point out that they were correct). Hell, if they want to go after PAB himself, okey-doke. Just keep Joe's hands clean in the whole thing and if asked about it, all he should do is nod and say the jury did their work and the ravings of the trumposphere speak for themselves.

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Jun 3Liked by Stephen Robinson

I agree. Let Lincoln Project and any other organization do the dirty work while Biden touts his accomplishments.

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Jun 3Liked by Stephen Robinson


Taylor Greene wants to defund New York as revenge. She wants to cut all federal funds, which I assume includes for schools, to the state for having had the audacity to hold her hero to account.

I think this should be something Democrats should use in their ads. This woman wants to harm your kids because Trump was found guilty for a crime he committed.

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I really wish that MTG would just shut-up and sit down.

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Jun 3Liked by Stephen Robinson

Democrats had better start immediately lashing out that (1) Trump was convicted of felony fraud and election tampering in a fair trial in state court, (2) it is disgusting that Republicans are now attacking a judge and jurors not for anything improper but simply because they dared hold Trump to the law--at long last, have they no shame? and (3) Republicans must replace him as a nominee or forever be the party of criminality. Repeat, repeat, repeat--get it on TikTok, get it on sports podcasts, get it wherever disengaged voters are getting their info, get it into the ether so Republicans have to respond to it.

It's exactly the conversation the country needs to have. Yes, Republicans will still nominate him, and he could still win, but at least we wouldn't be wondering what would have happened if Democrats didn't downplay this whole thing.

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Jun 3Liked by Stephen Robinson

It’s clear the GOP doesn’t believe in the justice system. Trump has the right of appeal like any other convicted felon. And he’s out and about pretty much doing what he wants.

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Exactly, they are all lined up puppets, touting the stolen election.

61 courts either threw out the law suit or found no evidence. All the audits, all the post election scrutiny by the Republican crooks trying to cook up something anything that could be played into election interference. Nothing, nada, zilch. They do not think ‘they’ have to follow law or constitutional or bill of rights.

They are now the party of psychopaths.

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Jun 3Liked by Stephen Robinson

It should shock the conscience of anyone who believed in the rule of law. It's one thing if someone has a quibble with how the law was applied, or noted (rightly) that Trump's defense was so incompetent (likely thanks to Trump's direction) that they blew a winnable case.

But these people are attacking the judge, jury, the entire system for this guy.

What would it take for them to have their "What have I done???" moment? I guess nothing.

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Jun 3Liked by Stephen Robinson

I think they’ve lost their collective consciences. If they had them in the first place

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Jun 3Liked by Stephen Robinson

Yep. They have been morally rotted to the core. Pure ambition and power, it's all they are now.

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