“Trump notoriously lacks an actual sense of humor.”

Just my own experience, but if a person can’t laugh at themselves, only at others, they don’t have an actual sense of humor. This can translate into a lack of empathy, which makes a person unfit and dangerous for a job in which other people’s (and varying species/environments) welfare is at stake.

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Trump has not only threatened political violence before. He has carried it out on our Nations Capitol on live television. He even talked about pardoning the hundreds of people who followed his orders in the same speech.

So it’s very weird and bizarre for anyone to say, oh he didn’t mean that. He wasn’t really calling for violence. You libs are just overreacting.

Ask the Capitol Police what they think Trump meant.

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Mar 19·edited Mar 19Liked by Stephen Robinson

The terrorism part of what he said is completely disgusting, and the both sides media are normalizing it already. Also what is stupefying is that nobody in the media acknowledges that a huge number of "foreign" car manufacturers have plants in the US. TFG propagandizes like it's 1985

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Normalizing it so when he says that's exactly what he meant, it won't be perceived as alarming as it should be by too many people. It's his routine. See e.g., "fine people on both sides."

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How about in November you all beat Trump like a rented mule (again).

I'll cheer you on from my side of the Atlantic.

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Mar 18Liked by Stephen Robinson

All his droogs (I’m using that from now on) failed history class or somehow think that the authoritarian in waiting won’t rain on their parade. Soaked and broke (when their disability / Social Security is reduced) will be a hard lesson*

*I really don’t think Agent Orange will win but I thought that in 2016 too.

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Mar 18Liked by Stephen Robinson

>> "But Trump is not a complex Nathaniel Hawthorne novel." <<

He's not even a John Hughes/Nathaniel Hawthorne mashup serving as an Emma Stone vehicle.

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Mar 18Liked by Stephen Robinson

His administration put children in cages, there are children still missing. His administration put bans on Muslims entering the country, for any reason. His administration stole masks and ventilators from states that had paid for them. His administration created financial disaster for American farmers.

How can we forget what he has already done when contemplating if he will do what he is promising to do in the future? I am afeared.

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Mar 18Liked by Stephen Robinson

trump's threats should be taken seriously, and I have no doubts that President Biden does, so is preparing for another J6 when he beats trump again. trump means what he says about a bloodbath, and means it literally, because he can't stand being a loser, and he will be in deep trouble if he isn't president again (criminal trials, owes money to banks, the state of NY, and maybe to Putin and the Saudis). He's desperate, but most of his fans are not desperate, and they know that trump didn't have the backs of the J6 traitors. Sure, he promises to pardon them if elected again and "honors" them at his rallies, but he didn't pardon them when he could have before Biden was sworn in. He hasn't done a damn thing to help any of them, nothing practical anyway. There may be a few incidents, but I doubt it will be on the scale of J6, and President Biden will be able to handle them. It's one thing to vote for someone, to give them money and to go to their rallies, but it's quite another to fight for them, to possibly die for them or to go to prison for them. Yes, take it seriously, and condemn it, but don't panic.

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Mar 18Liked by Stephen Robinson

I vote we start calling them what they are: Klan rallies.

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Mar 18·edited Mar 18Liked by Stephen Robinson

"He's just joking."

In other words, Schrodinger's Asshole.

But here we are, this asshole has a wide amount of deference because he is the figurehead of the racist, nationalist movement that has always been enfranchised in America. The Electoral College, the Senate, all of it gives outsize influence to the people he represents. They are essentially the heirs apparent of the plantation owner class that had to be appeased in order to even form the United States.

So we need to mount up this fall for sure. The defeat must be not only in the voting booth but socially too. Supporting President Klan Robe should make you a pariah in decent society. Removing these people from your life is probably the only meaningful consequence many of them will see.

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Mar 18Liked by Stephen Robinson

"Schrodinger's asshole." Perfect!

May I use that?

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It's a term of art I believe, probably already on Urban Dictionary. The more, the merrier I say!

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Once again, he's launching an insurrection.

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Mar 18·edited Mar 18Liked by Stephen Robinson

The first violent insurrection was insufficient for Trump because he didn’t like the results, so he now wants to export it to all 50 states. And his supporters will blame a ‘rigged’ election and democrats for making them engage in more violence. While denying that is what he means.

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Mar 18Liked by Stephen Robinson

It speaks to his narcissism that Trump has always claimed, starting in the run up to 2016, that if he doesn’t win, it’s because the election was rigged. I love that Biden’s spokesman called Trump a loser. Nothing will get under his skin as much as pointing out that life-long fact: multiple bankruptcies, lost lawsuits, minority popular vote results. BTW, he looked like shit at that Dayton rally. Tired and unfocused. Plenty of Dem ads possible from that one rally.

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Mar 18Liked by Stephen Robinson

It's impossible to not be humiliated to be a citizen of a country that could put this vicious animal in charge again, especially considering we already saw what sort of president he was--twice impeached for serious criminal acts and abuses of power, and a "handling" of a major crisis that combined gross negligence, dereliction of duty and wanton cruelty that resulted in a million dead Americans and major economic dislocation. And a combination of nihilists, hateful right wing extremists, leftists who hate "moderates" like Biden so much they'd happily see the country burn to spite him (as if Biden would be the one suffering if he lost), and genuinely clueless moderate swing voters could all coalesce to bring this nightmare psychopath back to power.

And for what? 1933 Germany at least had a massive depression and the horrors and humiliation of WWI to explain why they let their nightmare happen. Our excuse is that too many people give Trump a pass (forgetting what his presidency was actually like) and lower the bar for him while picking Biden to death over the tiniest nits (egg prices went up! And then went down later, I guess).

If we actually do this, we are the shit-hole.

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Mar 18Liked by Stephen Robinson

In essence, Murc's Law is a multipurpose tool to be exploited by bad-faith actors. Nitpicking Democrats while kinda glossing over absolute horrors in the Republican Party is just easy punditry. It's all cruise control to just say "Ah, Washington." And if anything goes wrong, we always call on Democrats to fix it. Even if the issue is decades in the making. Of course we can't forget that it's a good way of getting some nice clout online.

And make no mistake about it, forgetting what President Klan Robe's actual term in office was like is very useful to get some rage clout.

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Mar 18Liked by Stephen Robinson

Droogs! Describes Trump's little banda perfectly. Bolshy horrorshow slovo choice.

I wonder how he'd look in a bowler and false eyelashes?

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Mar 18Liked by Stephen Robinson

I caught that too. Read the book, saw the movie, can never do either again.

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Mar 18·edited Mar 18Liked by Stephen Robinson

Very much the same. Read it 43 years ago/watched it 10 years ago... not ready to do either again--yet. May never be ready.

But like lots of books or films that have been banned at some point, I think it says something important about the not-so-good things humans are capable of, and think that having read it allows us to see some things through that lens and gives us a shared vocabulary for discussion.

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Mar 18Liked by Stephen Robinson


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It was the language that fascinated me. Not unlike Riddley Walker years later.

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IIRC, Clockwork Orange had a glossary

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It's a fascinating mix of Anglicized Russian, Cockney slang, and stuff Burgess just made up. Dude was brilliant.

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