Republicans love to complain about “federal government overreach” until it comes to abortion where they want to stick their dirty hands in people’s uteri.

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My state, Missouri, is solid red and of course they make all the accompanying pro-life noises that go with that. Last night the state executed a death-row inmate for a double homicide. The inmate had scores of legal and political activists come to his defense in that he had actually been positively affected by his incarceration and had been sincerely rehabilitated. You know, one of the putative purposes of incarceration. Our pro-life governor though, forgetting that at some point in the past this person was gasp! a fetus, intoned that this ending of a life of a fully formed human person would "deliver justice" and provide "closure" for the citizens of the state. He sees no contradiction with his being pro-life while simultaneously believing he's doing the lord's work by snuffing one of those former fetuses.

From where I live, my state and the others identical to it, seem to be a lost cause. I hate to think this way and I won't give up doing anything I can at an individual level to change things. But geez, it seems this country is just regressing at a rate faster than we can reverse it. I definitely cherish this and other online sites that are examples that there is hope for this world in spite of all of the attempts of those who seek to destroy that hope.

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Thank you, Stephen!!!!!

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You know this reminds me of a very stupid neighbor who was in a tree, cutting a large branch but being between the branch and the trunk and fell off when the branch was cut (yes he really did!). The GOP seems intent upon doing the same.

We cannot let a few decide for the many.

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Someone never watched their Roadrunner cartoons as a kid.

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It reminds me of the time Trump tried to get an officer on a nuclear carrier in 2017 to agree with him that STEAMSHIPS were the preferable technology on account of how anyone could work on them without having to know anything about nuclear power.

That’s the GOP, today. Too lazy and feckless to learn anything new, so perpetually nostalgic about a past that, ironically, they don’t know squat about either.

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Amen Aunty!

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With DC Rs being incapable of even pulling off a sham presidential impeachment, state Rs have a now maniacal need to produce something resembling a “win” (aka, own the libs) to keep their side happy.

Problem is, they can’t stop enacting policies that everyone *except* the crazies hate. And even the crazies look for an out when the rubber meets the road (see Kari Lake).

That’s how you know Trump’s statement was bogus. Republicans have no intention of backing down on their quest for a total abortion ban. It’s simply finally occurred to them that SAYING so craters support.

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Republicans: Life begins at conception, but ends at the second amendment. Also, this canard of ‘states rights’ ensures abortion will be exclusive to wealthy white women, and give cover to men who can afford to avoid being ‘inconvenienced.’

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Here’s a common sense solution:

Never give Republicans power.

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I'm fired up, ready to go!

And folks let's not forget the probable next stop on this train: Griswold v. Connecticut.

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““My view is now that we have abortion where everyone wanted it from a legal standpoint, the states will determine by vote or legislation, or perhaps both,” said the presidential candidate Republicans insist is not the senile one. “And whatever they decide must be the law of the land. In this case, the law of the state.”” - Republicans continue to stare uncomfortably at that car they caught but don’t know how to drive. This was always a point of supreme irritation for me. WHY, on G-d’s green and verdant Earth should women have different reproductive rights depending on what state they’re living in?! The states’ rights argument is quite possibly the weakest one in the Republican playbook and that is saying something. They have nothing, they know nothing, the illegitimate partisan hack Supreme Court decision to kill Roe is going to kill people, if it hasn’t already, and all Republicans have is “uh, states’ rights?” 🤷🏻‍♀️ I fervently hope this destroys them up and down the ballot in November. Americans have notoriously short attention spans, but hopefully long enough to last until Election Day.

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"Well you know, the Republican Party has ways of shutting that whole thing down." Tod Aken, Hell.

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"State's rights" is the main vehicle for their oppression of vulnerable minorities (in some cases inherited from Dixiecrats in unreconstructed locales) so I guess they gotta "dance with them that brung ya!"

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"States rights" was proven a lie when these same people happily used federal law to enforce slavery, or later on when they segregated federal workforces. But it serves the useful purpose of sounding like a neutral principle, rather than having to say "I just want to preserve racial supremacy". Harder to win over moderates that way!

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Exactly right.

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Trump is probably too vain to see it but the anti-abortionists taking shots at him for not being anti-abortion enough are doing him a favor, by making it look like he's taking the "middle position" (MSM dipshits are also helping with that, by credulously suggesting he has "distaste" for extreme bans). But Democrats can wreck that whole plan by campaigning on "Do you trust Trump to stand up to the anti-abortion extremists who he counts on to elect him?" Voters have to consider what Trump would do if an abortion ban crossed his desk--would he stand up for a moderate principle, or agree with whatever the people who flatter him the most ask him to do? We already saw how he handled the question of which judges to nominate, with the very result that we are now discussing things like national abortion bans which weren't possible before his nominees overturned Roe.

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Not to be pedantic but you used Trump and principle in the same sentence. I'm sure that was unintentional. /s

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That's why I also agree and think what they and people like Lindsey Graham are saying is kayfabe. They have a grand strategy as the conservative movement is strongly hierarchical and everyone can be on the same page.

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Wow. I learned a new word. Thanks Seth!

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Yep--the equivalent for Democrats would be progressives loudly complaining that Biden is enforcing immigration laws too strictly, but also acknowledging that they'll grudgingly vote for Biden because at least he's not putting alligators in the moats like Trump is promising to.

It's also hilarious every time Graham pretends to break with Trump, as though we would all be surprised when two days later he's back to lapping up his floor leavings.

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Wouldn't be surprised if the tie Linseed wears is really a shock collar. A gift from his master.

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