Re: Barron’s graduation - I’ll bet that is one school that has been turned upside down, knowing that the Trump circus has now been cleared to attend.. But I think the odds are only 50:50 that he actually shows up. Despite his moaning about wanting to go so badly, I think it’s quite possible that the secret service; protesters; traffic; weather; his suit isn’t back from being decontaminated, will prevail. Sitting and watching is not his thing. And unless he can make it all about him. He’ll pass.

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I bet he wasn't even going to attend. Now he has to because he made a scene.

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When you can't get anyone else to attend you call in rhe Village Idiot!

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His son would probably rather he stay away.

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I want to add that Stormy lost a bit of respect from me when she said to herself "Here we go again" when Trump™ made the suggestion of sex for favor.

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Like others here I am positively shocked that TFG actually attended his other kid’s graduation.

Barron is about to be horribly embarrassed beyond belief. Also I’m wondering if the school will put their foot down and forbid a media circus for this graduation.

I’ll bet that Melania wants Daddy no where near this event.

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yeah, I had to read that bit twice myself...I thought SER might have just been making a funny

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And let’s not forget that he NEVER attended any of his other children’s graduations.

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May 1Liked by Stephen Robinson

Trump might make Barron's graduation about himself and not the kid? I don't know, that somehow seems at odds with Trump's public persona.

(YES, IT'S SNARK! Don't @ me.)

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May 1Liked by Stephen Robinson

He's predictably the bride at every wedding and corpse at every funeral. Narcissist.

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May 1Liked by Stephen Robinson

𝑯𝒆 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒅 𝒖𝒑 𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒉𝒊𝒈𝒉 𝒔𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒍 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒈𝒆 𝒄𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝑫𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒅 𝑱𝒓., 𝑰𝒗𝒂𝒏𝒌𝒂, 𝑬𝒓𝒊𝒄, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕.

trump is the father of The Professor and Mary Ann from "Gilligan's Island"? Cool!

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May 1Liked by Stephen Robinson

I would find it hard to believe that crap human beings in public aren’t crap human beings in the privacy of their own home.

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May 1Liked by Stephen Robinson

Well, he went to the New York cop's funeral and made it all about him so I can't wait until he stumbles up to the podium unannounced and uninvited to blarp all over the commencement audience.

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May 1·edited May 1Liked by Stephen Robinson

I'm guessing there's at least 100,000 dads in the criminal justice system that missed their kid's graduation because of being involved with a trial. Once again a judge gives him special treatment that no one else gets.

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May 1Liked by Stephen Robinson

"Strictest legal definition of "sex"" is such a cold-blooded, layered line and I tip my hat to you. The way you craft words is amazing.

Makes sense President Klan Robe would've went to the other graduations. Also actually surprised he removed the posts. Maybe he figured out Merchan isn't going to play.

I also do think that Merchan, like Engoron before him, is doing his best to go by the book in order to make this appeal-proof. There's always still the specter of jury nullification and the like. Nevertheless, because these cases are always subject to delays and random chance, we know we still have to face President Klan Robe in the fall.

Folks out there, now is the time to check the status of your voter registration. There's tons of enablers to vote against and defeat too—not just President Klan Robe!

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May 1Liked by Stephen Robinson

The most shocking thing about this is that he went to his other kids’ graduations. I was absolutely certain he did not. Next you’re going to tell me Santa is real!

I am still convinced that he did not actually want to go to Barron’s. This was such a perfect setup for him. He could cosplay as the perfect, loving, devoted father, whining and gnashing his teeth about the cruel injustice of being denied his fatherly right to attend this milestone, while also being gifted the perfect excuse not to have to actually go through with it. Now, he has to go. I’m sure there will be a press gaggle at the school doors, to maximize the attention stealing from the actual graduates.

Will he backtrack and thank the judge for acknowledging his strong familial bonds, as well as admit that the judge never denied him anything in the first place? Of course not. He’ll say that the radical, corrupt Biden judge gave in to the demands of his supporters, and he should make note of that for next time or some such fake gangster crap. Never mind the fact that he was never actually denied the chance to go in the first place. He really is the worst piece of 💩 ever excreted from the ether. I’m sure Barron is devastated at the news.

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May 1Liked by Stephen Robinson

It's kind of funny how Trump's legal woes keep forcing him inadvertently to do "good husband" (attending his wife's dad's funeral) and "good father" (attending his son's graduation) things that he never would have even considered doing if he was just living his normal life. It almost sounds like the set-up for a bad rom-com--a total scoundrel gets into legal trouble, and in trying to make excuses to get out of court, keeps finding himself forced to do nice things, and in the end comes to appreciate his family and become a better person.

Of course this is real life and Trump is just going to seethe over having to do this shit.

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May 1Liked by Stephen Robinson

This is where I wonder, would a Black man being a shitty father to this degree have enjoyed such political success? Or would that just be used as an indictment of all Black men?

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May 1Liked by Stephen Robinson

Not even a trick question. The Black GOP candidate would be given a pass (see Herschel Walker) but the Democrat would be pilloried. Further still, the republicans would make up dirt (see GA prosecutor) to further their nefarious schemes.

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Obama really was above reproach, he had to be. That’s why the Republicans and Trump wanted his birth certificate so badly. To have it bronzed, right? That was why? Surely not for any racist reasons … 🤔

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Yeah isn't that funny? Especially since President Klan Robe had been born to basically the exact same circumstances, one U.S. citizen parent and an immigrant. Guess we'll never know what the difference is!

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It’s a mystery for the ages!

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Considering Obama's family was positively Ozzie Nelsonian, and the Right still managed to complain that one of his daughters wore a dress too short, I think we can conclude how it would have gone if Barack had even a single affair.

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May 1Liked by Stephen Robinson

rhetorical question amirite

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May 1Liked by Stephen Robinson

You’re right! It’s the observer effect! As you say, if this were a Hollywood screenplay he would come out of it a better person, and the film would end with him taking Melania back to his ancestral homeland of Scotland or something (or Germany, if his grandfather hadn’t skipped out on his required military service and blackballed himself) and playing a round of golf there or whatever. With the camera tastefully eliding the crowds just outside the grounds holding signs calling him a cockwomble and a tiny-fingered shitgibbon. But sadly for all of us he’s a real person and he is just going to get worse and learn nothing along the way. Fin.

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May 1Liked by Stephen Robinson

The justice system seems determined to go through the motions and do everything possible to go light on Trump. Need to put up a bond, and cannot come up with the money? That's ok, we'll just reduce the bond, and give you more time to come up with it! Keep violating gag orders and intimidating witnesses? Ok, a fine equal to about thirty seconds of fundraising from your fan base! Want time off to attend the graduation of the kid you didn't have time for while you were cheating on his mother when she was recovering from childbirth? Sure, you seem like a concerned father!

I believe if he is found guilty, and somehow sentenced to prison (both unlikely, I think) even then he's going to find a way to get it knocked down to a fine, because nobody really wants to come down hard on him. For Trump, we can all be civil libertarians, tough shit for any other defendant.

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May 1Liked by Stephen Robinson

I agree though I do believe a number of these folks are trying to make their rulings appeal-proof as President Klan Robe gets unlimited appeals (and has a Supreme Court in his back pocket). He has already lost a major case though. And definitely James, Smith, Chutkan, Bragg and probably Willis have him dead to rights. It was pure dumb luck that he got his pet judge Cannon to be able to cover for him.

Remember the state crimes cannot be pardoned and he's already lost at least one.

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I think that's a part of it, and also rich people can afford good lawyers (and in this case, his lawyer isn't from the Alina Habba bargain bin, with its sign saying "Legal Counsel and Snacks--Well, At Least You'll Get Snacks") so prosecutors and judges tend to be more skittish with them, but with Trump this really seems to go beyond. Even that Bankman-Fried guy had his bail revoked when he violated court orders. Trump is given unlimited mulligans here and it just seems everyone is scared of this guy.

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I don’t know if it’s fear of the unpresident in this unprecedented case, but as much as I’d like to see his ass in jail, it does seem to present all kinds of logistical issues.

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The Secret Service is working it out. And I am sure that New York State has all kinds of facilities designed for criminals like this, definitely upstate. We have protective custody units, after all.

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There's really no reason he cannot be held in a cell. If the Secret Service is concerned about security, they can put one of their agents in the cell as his roommate.

Aside from security, I'm not sure what other concerns there are about locking him up. And if necessary, they could set up an "off-site confinement" in a motel room somewhere.

Other countries have had no problem jailing former heads of government who were found guilty of crimes. I don't think America is exceptional in that regard.

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Other countries have done it and kudos to them for not making any head of state an exception, however the US has never jailed a former president, though presidential candidates have campaigned while jailed. Believe me I’m rooting for that ass to be jailed.

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Yeah--Trump seems to be a necessary test for us--can we as a country hold the most powerful to our laws? Should be a no-brainer, but we shall see.

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