"Justice Alito says he and his wife were walking in the neighborhood and there were words between Mrs. Alito and a male at the home with the sign. Alito says the man engaged in vulgar language, “including the c-word.”"

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because the socialists had called me "spoilt"

Then they came for the trades unionists, and I did not speak out—because the trades unionists had called me a "greedy wanker"

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because a Jew called me a "steaming slice of dogshit pie".

Then they came for me, and there were only several national newspapers and television networks to speak out for me.

And my party membership quickly cleared up the misunderstanding.

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May 21Liked by Stephen Robinson

Dick Durbin thinks there's no reason to press Alito. What's up with that?!

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He’s a chump.

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Statement made by Supreme Court Justice? Nah, sounds like the excuse my 5 yr old kid makes when he gets caught at what he knows is wrong, and knows better.

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May 21Liked by Stephen Robinson

Thank you for pointing out that flying an upside-down American flag is a well-established distress signal -- we wouldn't want to give MAGA any unearned credit for originality! My father, who served in the Pacific theater during World War II, mentioned that he saw inverted flags several times on US ships. In later life he taught college physical education in a downtown Chicago armory. One day a passerby rushed into the gym, asking "Is this building in distress?" He was another naval veteran who had spotted a flag hung upside down by mistake.

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May 20Liked by Stephen Robinson

Sheldon Whitehouse would be a far more effective Chair of the Judiciary. He’s been raising the alarm about dark money and the SC for years.

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"Presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush nominated the two worst justices on the Supreme Court "

And started the trend of finding the youngest (and least experienced) GOP-diehards they could find, to plague us for generations with their extended rules.

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May 20Liked by Stephen Robinson

Alito and Coke Can Clarence are both hugely compromised and have no place on the bench. I would love to see them impeached though that will never happen. Expanding the court would go a long way in making sure the only opinions they write are dissents.

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May 20Liked by Stephen Robinson

“If someone had called them Nazis, we can assume they wouldn’t have defiantly flown a Nazi flag.” - I don’t think we can safely assume anything anymore. A lot of the far right is busy making swastikas great again (Harlan Crow in the house!) and they seem hand in glove with this hack Supreme Court. And there’s no daylight between Alito’s personal, antiquated hateful opinions and his legal Court opinions either. As a great mind once said when they show you who they are, believe them.

It’s cool he’s blaming his wife though. That’s what real men do I guess. Not just Republicans either. Bob Menendez is following the same playbook. And they say true love is dead.

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May 20Liked by Stephen Robinson

Of course, justices aren’t robed gods

Actually, they are currently. Openly corrupt and partisan and nobody can stop them.

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Pretty weak sauce from the Dem leadership 🙄

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May 20Liked by Stephen Robinson

It's only because the rot is so deep in the republican party, that trump became their nominee in 2016, and they did nothing to reign him in when he won the electoral vote. And, because the party is rotten to the core, they have failed to hold him accountable for his crimes, which includes the J6 insurrection, and have renominated him this year. The republican party isn't rotten because of trump, the republican party is headed by trump because it's rotten.

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Exactly. The fish rots from the head on down.

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May 20Liked by Stephen Robinson

I wonder if "very political" means the Alitos' neighbors are racial minorities. Just speculating!

I do also assume Murphy and Schatz are talking on Xitter because there's too many Republicans to actually impeach a justice. And this flag flying is definitely at the very least unethical. Is it a high crime and misdemeanor though, this is something I wonder.

Is Clarence Thomas being owned by Harlan Crow actually illegal or is this yet again another honor-based exploit of the legal code and nothing CAN be done? In principle there's supposed to be a check on the judiciary, but in practicality?

And again my worry is, if we decide that the Supreme Court is invalid, what happens? For Black folk (as well as many other racial, ethnic and sexual minorities and any other overlapping sets) a large number of our rights and freedoms come from Supreme Court decisions; the Constitution by itself wasn't enough to enfranchise us. Indeed we weren't intended to be enfranchised in the first place in the settler construction that is America.

Whew this is not a fun kind of uncharted territory!

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May 20Liked by Stephen Robinson

I can't imagine the Alitos would live among "those people." They've have moved to a whiter place immediately.

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May 20Liked by Stephen Robinson

Forget recuse--demand that Alito step down. The upside down flag isn't just a sign that "hey, our country is in a bad place"--it literally means "our fort is being overrun, there is no hope of saving us, do not even attempt a rescue, just napalm the whole area". It's a way of saying "it's over, no hope, done".

So either Alito doesn't know what it means and didn't bother to look it up, or he did know what it means and thinks our country is beyond saving, burn it all down. Either makes him unfit for his office. Democrats need to demand he resign, hold hearings (last I heard Democrats have a Senate majority, though it's easy to forget this by the way Schumer and Durbin act sometimes) and subpoena Alito and his wife (yeah, she's in this, thanks to Sam) and drag this thing through. As a compromise, accept his recusal, but make it clear this IS A BIG DEAL THAT A SCOTUS JUSTICE IS SUPPORTING INSURRECTION.

Ask yourself how Republicans would have reacted if Kagan flew even a rainbow flag before hearing cases on gay rights.

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May 20Liked by Stephen Robinson


As the old Tom Lehrer chestnut goes "When in doubt send the marines!"

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May 20Liked by Stephen Robinson

"I think many mainstream elected Democrats struggle to accept this reality." Heaven forfend! That would be a violation of comity!

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