Nikki Haley is all good. I'll be a nazi if I can stay relevant in politics. It is sickening.

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"It’s like asking Woody Allen if his next movie will contain pre-bop jazz music."

Obviously pre-bop only became that post-bop, which has itself been superseded and is now wasbop. It is fitting for the style it should be an irregular verb.

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May 22Liked by Stephen Robinson

This is the power, the benefit of having a rightwing media human centipede. The Republican officials are all part of this, one cohesive unit to take these lie nuggets and pass them through efficiently to their followers. Lazy hacks in the 'mainstream' media pick up these nuggets and repeat them uncritically, or even worse put in a "both sides" framing.

We all know, we SAW Democrats concede elections.

But it doesn't matter with the media human centipede. They decide what reality is for millions. And there's no consequences for lying. Rubio won't be confronted with these video clips like you've done; the hacks there are just going to repeat what he says and move on. Obviously Rubio is lying. The best thing to do is cut his mic, say he's objectively lying and not invite him on again.

But the Republican owners want these lies to continue. They want the truth muddled so their Republican pals can wild out and give them tax cuts, no matter how many people are hurt.

We have to keep spreading the truth like you're doing. We have to do the pushback and mobilize as always, and we have to make sure we fight all the FUD and stay focused on our mission for November.

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Well said!

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May 22Liked by Stephen Robinson

Great post, Stephen, laying out the difference between being unhappy with election results and saying so, or even protesting, and trying to overthrow election results.

Yes, trump is going to try to incite violence when he loses in November. However, I have full confidence that President Biden and his administration is preparing for the possibility of violence, because of what happened 1/6/2021. That doesn't mean there won't be violence, but that it will be contained and taken care of in a timely manner, because trump is NOT in control now, even if he thinks that he is. Also, it's more likely to be scattered acts of violence, if any, because the magas don't appear to be as ready to riot for trump as some did in 2021. Maybe because he didn't pardon them when he had the chance, and hasn't done anything for the ones in prison, except sing that stupid song with them. Maybe, deep down, magas know that trump is full of crap, but still love him and will vote for him. Fighting for him is another matter.

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Great piece

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Little Marco is a 🤡

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May 22Liked by Stephen Robinson

The media is missing the point when they ask Republicans "will you accept the results if Trump loses?" This is not a therapy session, we don't give a shit whether someone "accepts" results or not. There are football games I don't "accept" the results of! But I never tried to destroy the Vince Lombardi trophy as a result of that.

The question is "will you use your power to try to undermine the results of a Trump loss?" That is the key difference here--Democrats have never done this (ok, except for 1860, but that was a different Democratic party and notably, the Northern and Western Democrats stayed loyal to the country--where are their counterparts among today's Republicans? Liz Cheney is just one person. Trump and his legislative goons took actual steps to prevent the transfer of power. Trump even risked national security by refusing to cooperate with the transition (the new POTUS needs to be brought up to speed, quickly, it is inexcusable that that monster did this and that dumbfucks like Rubio would ever want someone like that back in the White House). These people are traitors and they deserve a traitor's fate.

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May 22Liked by Stephen Robinson

Exactly this. I wish I could restack your comment.

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May 22Liked by Stephen Robinson

The current GOP has NO SHAME. I'm so tired of all of them

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May 22Liked by Stephen Robinson

‘Rubio is probably sore over NBC’s Meet the Press moderator Kristen Welker stumping him with this GED-level question that he still couldn’t answer.’

That Rubio still couldn’t answer without resorting to the lie, which at this point Welker knew full well that he would do so. She essentially platformed Rubio and the lie, and in doing so, elevated it to ‘acceptable’ political discourse. Each airing of the lie mainstreams it until the narrative about elections becomes a ‘he said, she said’ contest.

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May 22Liked by Stephen Robinson

It's just so tiresome and stupid. "Will you accept the results of the election" always gets the stock answer "only if the election is fair, and besides Democrats didn't accept the results of elections they didn't like". No smartass, the real question is "will you try to undermine the results of an election where Trump loses?" and if the answer is "I'd only do that if the election was not a fair one" then press them to explain what their criteria are for determining that it was fair. Are they going entirely by Trump's word here?

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Good point, Brando. The question doesn’t go far enough. When the answer is, “I will accept the result only if it is fair,” the next questions should be, “What does not accepting it look like? What action would you take to show your non-acceptance?” Get them to state their traitorousness on the record.

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May 22Liked by Stephen Robinson

"Democrats will often point out, because it’s true, that Bush and Trump both lost the popular vote but we accept that the Electoral College exists. We just don’t like it."


It's actually not a new tactic from the wingnuts, but it's disappointing to hear it from a US Senator. It's going to get worse between now and November, and it's a given they won't accept the results when Biden wins.

The only good news with that is Biden and Harris will be the ones in place on Jan 6, 2025.

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May 22Liked by Stephen Robinson

Nice job compiling the concession speeches that Little Marco’s crack research team couldn’t find when creating his “I know you are but what am I?” level lie-umentary. We should also not discount the possibility that, when Trump loses, Sam Alito or another Supreme Court hack will find a way to declare him the winner anyway. I put nothing past these guys.

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May 22Liked by Stephen Robinson

the most aggravating twist to MAGA rhetoric is that there are problems in the system — and the actual problems were and are created and perpetuated by hypocrites, equivocators and reactionaries like Alito, Thomas, Scalia, Rehnquist etc.

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May 22Liked by Stephen Robinson

*BUT the actual problems (might read better)

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