"However, the pro-Ukraine demonstration greatly offended Republican Lauren Boebert, probably because she prefers the more restrained behavior of the theater."

Chef's kiss, SER

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Apr 23Liked by Stephen Robinson

MTG: “a Russian nesting doll with a Garbage Pail Kid center.”

Oh, please just scatter my ashes in the sea🌊

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Apr 23Liked by Stephen Robinson

BTW: It's Oblivias's birthday.

Oblivias with Anna Rompage and SER.


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Props from Russian for Kholodets. Where in the name of Yakoff Smirnoff did you pick that up?

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I had to Google "kholodets". It looks delicious.

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I wouldn't say it's the pinnacle of Russian cuisine. But I've had a ... change of heart ... about the Russian diet.

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I had to listen to my folks struggling with their natural good-faith predisposition to accept the (incredibly bad) framing that "maybe Mike Johnson has Seen The Light", and it was exhausting.

But if Mike Johnson *actually cared* about Ukraine, this could have happened 6 months ago. He doesn't, so it didn't.

He *does* care about his own political future, and his extremely niche hardline weirdo extremist variant of what was already a very hardline weirdo extremist branch of southern "Christian" nationalism. That seems to be the outer limit of his ability to give a shit about anything.

In this bill, he saw a fleeting Window of Survival Opportunity to escape from under the onerous thumb of the hilariously ill-named "Freedom Caucus," and he took it. That is All.

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Apr 23Liked by Stephen Robinson

I LOVE the "a chimp could do this job" riff! Brilliant!

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Apr 22Liked by Stephen Robinson

“ Marjorie Taylor Greene —a Russian nesting doll with a Garbage Pail Kid center ”


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Apr 22Liked by Stephen Robinson

1. I’m going to assume the flag waving was a pointed jeer at the Freedumb Caucus

2. Props for using kholodets. I’m betting Mad Marge eats hers with horseshit instead of chrain.

3. MAGA Mike did the right thing but pretending the House was too busy is an insult to our intelligence. We could all see the disarray coming from his side of the aisle. Pretending otherwise just makes him look foolish.

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Apr 22Liked by Stephen Robinson

[so proud to work for Ukraine. Not the American people!!! It’s despicable.]

So where are your bills to provide money and aid to Americans who need help, Marge? Where are the bills to lower rent? Where are the bills to pay down or eliminate medical debt?

Give people a choice. Maybe the answer will be "we can help everyone!"

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Apr 22Liked by Stephen Robinson

Republicans: Prevaricating Putin puppets perpetuating preposterous politburo propaganda, and preferring petty, performative playacting over productive policy. Also, Barney Rubble in a dress votes ‘neigh’ on everything except removing speakers.

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Love that alliteration!

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Apr 22Liked by Stephen Robinson

While I am beyond relieved and it’s absolutely the right thing it also seems to me a dead cinch the delay cost lives. Those of undersupplied defenders, and those of others in areas taken and subjugated and terrorized. Damage has been done by this mischief. I expect when I look upon the faces of the dead and imprisoned and oppressed it will always be in my mind: that is also the legacy of MTG and her company of villains.

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Apr 22Liked by Stephen Robinson

"They witnessed the chaos after McCarthy’s ouster, and at this rate, they’re better off waiting until November when they have a good shot at regaining House control and ending this nonsense."

I'm quietly optimistic that the braying baboon caucus drives more Rs to up and quit handing the house to Jeffries before November.

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Apr 22Liked by Stephen Robinson

It would be NICE if the could get that border bill back in play, or is that too late.

I also wonders if Johnson’s son entering the Naval Academy had anything to do with it. It wouldn’t be surprising to me if his 18 year old son told him to do the right thing.

And, no, I’m not making any porn blocker jokes.

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Another well done analysis, infused with timely cutting humor. You break down the House Republican breakdown as well as anyone. Nice work!

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Apr 22Liked by Stephen Robinson

Goodness I love the distinctive way in which you describe how useless House Republicans are. It took this long to get this measure because of the utter weakness of Speaker Covenant Eyes, and that he's better than Qevin is yet another indictment of this stupid shitty party.

Yet the MSM just loves themselves some Murc's Law. (And some McCain's Law for flavoring).

Also just couldn't let Marjorie Three Names' little bon mot pass. “Mike Johnson’s House of Representatives, so proud to work for Ukraine. Not the American people!!! It’s despicable.”

All you do, asshole, is work on hurting America for the benefit of your unreconstructed supporters, just like the rest of your garbage caucus. Parking stops work harder at their job than you do. I relish the day you and your pals like Diarrhea Slider Barbie and Congressman Scumbag are relegated to the minority (or at least obscurity). It'll be great once we get a *real* Speaker like Hakeem Jeffries as well.

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Apr 22Liked by Stephen Robinson

I read Sporkfoot's line in Daffy Duck's voice... disssspickable!

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Apr 22Liked by Stephen Robinson

“Misleading and nauseating” is a good three word summation of MSM coverage of this shitshow with a happy ending. I was wondering how “Lord Fuckley” (copyright J. Tiedrich) is taking the news.

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