Who the fuck is Nate Silver?

Who cares?

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Fuck< Nate Silver

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Hillary isn’t running. She’s the old guard. She has been a patriot and a dedicated senator, secretary of state, and presidential candidate for our country in the past. How do you think criticizing Hillary is helping in this moment?

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“Gender is not my beat.” No shit, Sherlock!! 🤯

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Neither is anything else his beat except sports and whining.

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So… what’s even the point of comparing Harris and Clinton? And really, comparing pantsuits?

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Yep. Still coddling the males. Yawn.

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Nate silver is a dick who…

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Is Silver the guy with a worm in his brain? Asking for a friend.

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That "coronation" and "dynasty" stuff burns my ass too. Glad to see it addressed.

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I will never stop disliking Bernie Sanders.

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Those poor ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️

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Interesting (that's Minnesota nice for ironic and clearly hypocritical) that some people don't believe VP Harris earned this nomination, while apparently they believe Trump somehow earned his nomination despite not participating in any of the Republican debates.

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And they castigate her for doing nothing as VP whilst blaming her for all the “failures” of Biden’s presidency.

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How’s about little Nate goes off and pounds sand until the end of time.

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This is classic SER and I approve this message:

"A good number of white men — and not just conservatives — resent references to breaking the “glass ceiling” or any “racial barriers.” These terms suggest that there were qualified women or Black people prior to that moment who were structurally held back. They prefer the implication that women/minorities are the ones who are finally “ready,” not the system itself. "

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Hate Silver never recovered from his "I was less wrong than everyone else!" take from 2016, and has since become the very stupid kind of pundit he used to rail against when he was younger.

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Ugh I get so tired of people and their "cards."

Also this even shows what a horrible hatchet job Hillary Clinton faced, and what will come for Kamala Harris once the President Klan Robe campaign and the Republican-owned media get themselves fully aligned. "Gender isn't my beat," you don't say Nateyboy!

And I am going to point out that "dynasty" is only ever a salient political concern for Democrats, and it's more bullshit because at least for Democrats you have to bring the chops to succeed. That's why the Kennedy whose name I can't remember (He was a III, was it Joe Kennedy III?) got mopped in Massachusetts. Republican dynasties are perfectly fine according to the MSM and such figures like Jeb! lose due to their own merits or lack thereof.

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