Mar 10Liked by Stephen Robinson

This is a great article.

Also wow Kari Lake is such an asshole and she spells just as good as President Klan Robe.

I think Haley's endorsement of President Klan Robe could be two to three weeks, tops. I've obviously been wrong before!

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Mar 7Liked by Stephen Robinson

“Unfortunately, there were more than a dozen other contests that day and she lost them all”

If primaries reviewed like football games, anyone betting on Trump to beat the spread would’ve lost all across the country.

He won but by far, far smaller margins than had been predicted. In many cases he failed to beat the spread by double digits!

Trump is a pathetically weak candidate.

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Mar 7Liked by Stephen Robinson

I put the over under at 2 weeks. We'll see.

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“We want to have unity and we’re going to have unity and it’s going to happen very quickly.”

The "Or else." is implied.

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Mar 7Liked by Stephen Robinson

Haley is a career partisan politician. In a sense, I compare her closely with Mitch McConnell. At no point has she shown allyship with women other than in speeches. She grew up with and endorsed the entire Republican platform, which includes elements that violate the separation of church and state, among other ”principles” that hint toward discrimination and domination. These ultimately rely on putting the state above the individual. Newsflash: that's not conservative, rather illiberal.

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Mar 7Liked by Stephen Robinson

An excellent summary, both of where the MAGA Party currently stands and of Haley’s continuing tailspin into historical oblivion. All that remains for the GOP to do from now until Election Day is to cry over the endless amount of damage to their stupid party that Tя☭mp's vile and endless criming and self-interested behavior will drive millions more voters to vote against the whole lot of them.

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The same thing is happening to the democratic party. It’s a race to the bottom.

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“Historical oblivion”

“Endless amount of damage”

That applies to the Democratic Party as well.

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Thank you!

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Mar 7Liked by Stephen Robinson

She coulda been a contender…. If she had actually contended what P01135809 truly is, from the beginning.

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Mar 7Liked by Stephen Robinson

"Being there are no more pallets of money left to burn, the time has come to make a decision..."

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Mar 7·edited Mar 7Liked by Stephen Robinson

The two faces of Nikki Haley tried to have it both ways with Trump, one side critical and the other saying more than once that she would pardon him for his crimes if convicted. Like the ‘Ronbot 2000’ she wanted to occupy Trump’s lane as well as her own, an impossibility as long as he was in it—not to mention his supporters cared nothing about her.

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Mar 7Liked by Stephen Robinson

I'm sure Haley couldn't point out a single instance where Trump tried to reach out and appeal to voters who were not in his cult. (If she wants to consider his "outreach" to black people, sheesh...) We all know his "earning" of her endorsement would look like this:

Haley: What do you have to say to me and the millions of Republicans who are not yet ready to support you?

Trump: Go fuck yourselves.

Haley: Ok, good enough for me! Can I get that ambassadorship to Upper Volta?

Had she been a forceful voice against MAGA and Trumpism, she'd have still lost, but she'd have likely scored more delegates, convinced a LOT more non-Republicans to cross and vote for her in primaries (perhaps winning more than just Vermont) and set herself up as a leader in an eventual post-Trump GOP. Instead, she just comes across as a limp noodle, not really knowing what she is for or against.

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Speaking to the GOP constituency is like reasoning with head trauma toddlers…..

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Mar 7Liked by Stephen Robinson

““It is now up to Donald Trump to earn the votes of those in our party who did not support him, and I hope he does,” she said. “This is now his time for choosing.”“ - “I hope he does,” should be written on her fucking tombstone. That’s her endorsement without “endorsing”. What, exactly, does she think that overflowing sack of rancid horse manure is going to do to appeal to voters, with their stubbornly functional senses and prefrontal cortex, who have already soundly rejected him? I refuse to accept that any Republican who refuses to publicly denounce that rapidly decompensating and decomposing traitor for the vile puddle of sludge that he is is doing so for “the good of the country” or “the will of the people” or whatever lies they tell themselves so they can sleep at night. And since that is most of them, they can all fuck right off. Haley most of all. She was the last person standing in the R primary and could have made a decision to call him out for being a treasonous hateful criminal fuck who insulted her husband. (Insulting the spouses of his opponents is a trademark of his. Perhaps because all of his have hated him before he buries them on a golf course.) I wouldn’t dare to presume she’d go so far as to endorse Biden because heaven forbid, the American law of political tribalism won’t allow that. But she could have spoken the truth, or a reasonably facsimile of. Maybe it would destroy her political future in the treason party but so fucking what? If Shitstain gets in again he’ll destroy the country. It’s a more than reasonable risk. But nope, she’s a coward, and an opportunist, and a liar who claims, with a straight face, that decent, competent empathetic Joe Biden is somehow “more dangerous”. I think “more dangerous” is just code for Democrat. She’s no better than all the rest of them and she deserves to lose.

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Either candidate is going to destroy the country. It’s simply a matter of time frame.

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ok comradeski

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What are you insinuating? If you are insinuating that the Democratic Party is somehow correlated a good government or quality policy, you’re contributing to our Third World shit hole status. And, don’t have enough political acumen to fill a fucking thimble.

If that’s not your reference, please clarify

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OK Boris. You made your point. Now fuck off comrade.

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Trying to hold political parties accountable for good government is somehow agitprop? I think you just proved your address as a basement in Saint Petersburg. You’re really fucking stupid if you think I’m that stupid.

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Tell me you are dumber than a bag of hammers without saying “I’m dumber than a bag of hammers”

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Mar 7Liked by Stephen Robinson

Opportunistic weathervane.

Of course she’ll endorse TFG. This woman does not have the courage of her convictions.

This woman has no convictions. It’s blatantly transparent.

TFG insulted you, your husband, your heritage, your immigrant parents and yet you will kneel before him.


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She’s closer to the concept of ethical behavior than Donald Trump has ever been. By light years

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Mar 7Liked by Stephen Robinson

I found that bit: “The first thing Eleanor did was take me to lunch and start asking me questions. “Are you a Republican or a Democrat?” she asked. “I don’t know,” I said. “So what do you believe?” I told her I believed in protecting the rights and freedom of the people. I believed in the amazing survival skills of small businesses. I believed that everyone should live within their means and that government shouldn’t be exempt from that. Parties were labels I didn’t care about, I told her. They clouded arguments and kept people from thinking for themselves. “Oh, you are clearly a Republican,” Eleanor said when I finished.”

— Can't Is Not an Option: My American Story by Nikki Haley

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That’s not a GOP that has existed in most of Haley’s lifetime. The party that passes abortion bans and makes life miserable for trans people doesn’t protect the freedom of the people.

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They haven’t since Nixon. Reagan started this entire train rolling from the depot.

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Mar 7Liked by Stephen Robinson

I like the part where she says "America is in retreat" after Biden built a multinational coalition to help Ukraine. Most of her speech sounded like she supported BIDEN, since it focused on things he's done.

I hope her voters go for Biden.

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Mar 7Liked by Stephen Robinson

I saw a Haley voter interviewed on Super Tuesday after her vote where she said all the true things about 45 being a heinous criminal who poses a serious threat to our democracy. The reporter then, rationally, asked her if she would vote for Biden if Haley drops out. “No.” I didn’t catch the rest of the exchange as I put my fist through the screen. I mean W T ever-lovin’ F?!!! Even the supposedly rational GOP voters have drunk the Kool-aid that Biden is somehow unfit. I don’t hold out much hope for Haley voters seeing reason, honestly. She could help steer them to the correct, country-preserving choice, but she won’t.

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I have a republican friend who voted for Trump twice who says she’s not going to vote. I don’t know if she’ll keep to that.

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Independents who voted for Haley will, for the most part, vote for Biden in the general I think. Their ideology is obviously far less entrenched. I hold out little hope for Republicans. But then again, I never have.

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Same. I don’t even bother anymore.

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I don’t understand identifying as Republican post-Trump, I just don’t. Isn’t it embarrassing?

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It’s mind boggling. I’ve had these friends for over 30 years. They’re like family. I don’t get it!

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We need to ditch Biden and have an open convention. Put Elizabeth Warren and Katie Porter on the ticket. Jesus the party platform and this executive administration is no better than any GOP ticket. It’s just a slower walk to hell

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