Psychopath Leading Swing State Polls Wishes ‘Human Scum’ A Happy Memorial Day
The same old song we can’t ignore.
Another Memorial Day passed where we all remembered that Donald Trump is a horrible person without a shred of human feeling. This year, the confirmed rapist and criminal defendant railed against the supposed injustices he’s suffered.
Happy Memorial Day to All, including the Human Scum that is working so hard to destroy our Once Great Country, & to the Radical Left, Trump Hating Federal Judge in New York that presided over, get this, TWO separate trials, that awarded a woman, who I never met before (a quick handshake at a celebrity event, 25 years ago, doesn’t count!), 91 MILLION DOLLARS for “DEFAMATION.” She didn’t know when the so-called event took place - sometime in the 1990’s - never filed a police report, didn’t have to produce the “dress” that she threatened me with (it showed negative!), & sung my praises in the first half of her CNN Interview with Alison Cooper, but changed her tune in the second half - Gee, I wonder why (UNDER APPEAL!)? The Rape charge was dropped by a jury! Or Arthur Engoron, the N.Y. State Wacko Judge who fined me almost 500 Million Dollars (UNDER APPEAL) for DOING NOTHING WRONG, used a Statute that has never been used before, gave me NO JURY, Mar-a-Lago at $18,000,000 - Now for Merchan!
Trump obviously doesn’t know the basics about Memorial Day (or grammar and punctuation — the average ransom note is more literate). You’re supposed to remember and honor the Americans who sacrificed their lives preserving American freedom. You don’t say “Happy Memorial Day.” It’s not New Year’s Eve.
Considering that Trump is devoted to ruining American democracy and denying freedom to anyone who’s not exactly like him, it’s not a surprise that Memorial Day is a curious concept for him. He infamously called Americans who’d died in combat “suckers” and “losers,” but that didn’t end his presidency. It still took a whole pandemic to narrowly deny him re-election.
Trump’s Memorial Day 2024 message was an unhinged rant against the woman he sexually assaulted and keeps defaming. He lied about his civil trial and teased some upcoming lies about his current criminal case in New York. Attacking women on Memorial Day is not new for Trump. In 2020, as covid raged through the nation, Trump shared racist and sexist tweets about Stacey Abrams and Nancy Pelosi.
He was merely petty in 2021, posting, “With Memorial Day Weekend coming up, tomorrow people start driving in the biggest automobile days of the year. I’m sorry to say the gasoline prices that you will be confronted with are far higher than they were just a short number of months ago where we had gasoline under $2 a gallon. Remember as you’re watching the meter tick, and your dollars pile up, how great of a job Donald Trump did as President.”
Rational people understand that gas prices increased in 2021 because people were able to leave their homes again and even travel. Republicans always complain about how awful covid restrictions were but they conveniently forget who was president in 2020.
Last year, Trump released an all-caps rant about stopping the communists, Marxists, and “pigs” that were ruining a once-great nation. The “pigs” are now “human scum.” We should never get used to this rhetoric from someone who was once the commander in chief and could be again. Of course, President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama expressed themselves like people worthy of the office who are also mentally fit to sign legal documents.
In 2020, the press suggested that Trump and Biden had set “different tones” in their social media posts — a rather banal way of saying that Biden behaved like a normal mammal while Trump posted insults and libelous conspiracies. This year, Michael D. Shear at the New York Times wrote that Biden’s “somber message was a sharp contrast to that of former President Donald J. Trump, his challenger for re-election this year, who posted an angry and incendiary Memorial Day message on his social media site.”
“Freedom has never been guaranteed,” Biden said during his Memorial Day address. “Every generation has to earn it. Fight for it. Defend it in battle between autocracy and democracy. Our democracy is more than just a system of government. It’s the very soul of America.”
Here’s Biden’s full speech. You should watch.
The Times could’ve reminded its readers that Biden’s remarks were probably “somber” because the nation’s on the verge of an authoritarian takeover. Republicans are almost all marching in goose-step behind Trump, who has sworn vengeance against his political and personal enemies, as well as anyone who dares defy him. It’s not an upbeat time in America.
This passage is downright bizarre:
Mr. Trump also wished a happy Memorial Day to Lewis Kaplan, the federal judge who oversaw the trials in which the former president was accused of defamation. Mr. Trump called Judge Kaplan “the Radical Left, Trump Hating Federal Judge.” He also called Justice Arthur F. Engoron, who presided over Mr. Trump’s civil fraud case, a “wacko.”
Perhaps the subtlety of Trump’s message confused the Times, but no, he did not actually wish Judge Kaplan a “happy” Memorial Day. He viciously attacked and not-so-subtly threatened him. Kaplan could blow off threats from Robert F. Kennedy Jr., but Trump could very well win this election. We know that Trump will abuse the power of his office and seek vengeance.
That’s why it’s important that we don’t ignore Trump’s Taxi Driver screeds. Sometimes, you do have to look in the toilet before you flush. People have argued that it’s unfair to diagnose Trump from afar as suffering from dementia or overall mental illness. I agree, though not because I am inclined to extend compassion to that monster. The larger point is that he’s obviously a horrible, loathsome creature. He doesn’t try very hard to hide it, despite the desperate shucking and jiving from his pathetic enablers. There’s no need to rationalize or provide WebMD-researched explanations for his behavior. His words speak for themselves, and it’s the people who willingly support Trump who must bear the shame.
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This is the country we are--a vicious psychopath who has already done significant damage to this country in one term (destroying the theory that this is "all talk" and "if he actually took power, he'd be normal") could really take power again, simply because so many Americans hate Joe Biden for some reason. As someone who genuinely likes Biden, I'm trying to figure out what's behind all this--he's not hyper-partisan, even going out of his way to extend olive branches to Republicans, and not adopting any policies more controversial than his predecessors (unless "more wind and solar power" is just the sort of thing that drives you batty).
I understand why Trump supporters have to believe Biden is Satan--when you're backing someone who is awful on every level, you need to make your brain believe the alternative is somehow worse--and I can get why very liberal or very partisan Democrats might be "unenthused" by Biden. But to hate the guy? In the numbers we're seeing? When the alternative is "I will crush the human scum, who happen to be your fellow citizens, and hey maybe I'll never leave office" who already bungled the one test of his presidency with COVID? It's like living through a collective madness, or the triumph of complete disinformation.
Have any GOPers given a thought to what happens after all their dreams come true?
An authoritarian Maximum Leader can tolerate no threats, real or imagined.
One doesn't need to suddenly grow a conscience to wind up on the naughty list. All it takes is a degree of popularity and the potential to become an axis for an opposition movement.
Nikki Haley may be the first American politician to vote for her own arrest.