It is pretty clear that he will seek revenge against everyone who he dislikes and particularly these named judges, if he gets power. There will be a lot of blood spilled if this monster gets power again.

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That’ why it’s important that we don’t ignore Trump’s Taxi Driver screeds. Sometimes, you do have to look in the toilet before you flush.


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May 28Liked by Stephen Robinson

Dipshit also wished everyone a "Happy Good Friday" a year ago.

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May 28Liked by Stephen Robinson

The thing about non-functional psychopaths is they cannot understand the feelings of others. To them, if others suffer, it's just something they cannot relate to or empathize with--it'd be sort of like watching someone talking a foreign language--you know something is being said but you have no idea what. So the idea of others finding a holiday solemn (whether it is remembering those killed in combat, the death of Christ, or a Jewish day of atonement) his brain cannot comprehend that. He just knows it's a day off and assumes it's a day of celebration, because he cannot grasp joy nor sorrow.

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Yes, it's why people like Marjorie Taylor Greene , Kristi Noem, even Tom Cotton supporting Trump makes sense. They are ultimately the same. Opportunists like Elise Stefanik and Nikki Haley remind me of someone who thinks they can have a pet bear. "It won't kill me!"

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The only person who could actually have a pet bear was Lord Byron.

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This is the one time you don’t choose the bear

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I didn't think that the leopards would eat MY face off!

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When you are a Republican candidate, the heir apparent of the ethnic nationalists that founded the USA as a haven for themselves and not the people they stole and kept in bondage, you can do this. You can wild out like this.

"Patriotism" as it exists in the USA is really just a cudgel for exacting conformity among minorities in your territories. It is a useful wedge against liberals and progressives only. Look at how these chuds violate the Flag Code constantly, and use the zombie claim of liberals always burning flags. All of this is just props to hide how much they actually hate America. They hate America as a multicultural nation, they hate an America that has grown to give freedom to the minorities they want to oppress.

However, we have a huge rightwing media human centipede to fight against so their forced meme will continue for at least the near future. We have to be the countering force and fight back where we encounter the lies. Sharing SER's posts is one way to fight it.

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May 28Liked by Stephen Robinson

For the first time in my life I fear for this country. It’s like we’ve been hit hard by Rwanda like propaganda to kill our neighbors who we now perceive as enemies. When does the GOP start passing out machetes?

Not a believer of a God but I’m starting to pray that this man just dies because that seems to be the only way to stop him.

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May 28Liked by Stephen Robinson

Heck as much as the Republicans fetishize the AR-15 we'd be wishing it were just machetes.

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May 28Liked by Stephen Robinson

This is the country we are--a vicious psychopath who has already done significant damage to this country in one term (destroying the theory that this is "all talk" and "if he actually took power, he'd be normal") could really take power again, simply because so many Americans hate Joe Biden for some reason. As someone who genuinely likes Biden, I'm trying to figure out what's behind all this--he's not hyper-partisan, even going out of his way to extend olive branches to Republicans, and not adopting any policies more controversial than his predecessors (unless "more wind and solar power" is just the sort of thing that drives you batty).

I understand why Trump supporters have to believe Biden is Satan--when you're backing someone who is awful on every level, you need to make your brain believe the alternative is somehow worse--and I can get why very liberal or very partisan Democrats might be "unenthused" by Biden. But to hate the guy? In the numbers we're seeing? When the alternative is "I will crush the human scum, who happen to be your fellow citizens, and hey maybe I'll never leave office" who already bungled the one test of his presidency with COVID? It's like living through a collective madness, or the triumph of complete disinformation.

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People fundamentally believe 2019 was better than today, and that's how they are judging this election, even though 2020 did in fact occur and Trump proved that he couldn't manage a true global crisis, practically or even just humanely.

Americans also have survivor bias about covid. Most just grumble about being stuck in their homes and having to wear masks. They also don't recognize that Democrats helped save them from ruin by passing much needed relief, which we all know Republicans would *not* have done if they'd controlled Congress while Hillary Clinton was president in 2020.

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May 28Liked by Stephen Robinson

Which I think is in part due to a strategic mistake by Democrats and Biden's administration in not blaming Trump from the get-go for having screwed up things during the pandemic. There was a desire to "move on" from it, rather than "inflation ticked up thanks to clogged supply chains that my predecessor caused with his incompetence" or "we are opening back up, after the dark days of Trump's 2020, where hospitals were running out of corpse space". Sure, the media would have called it partisan and gross, but THEY WOULD HAVE TALKED ABOUT IT. Instead, thanks to Democrats not wanting to go there, Republicans happy to memory-hole Trump's final year, and a media that "just reports what everyone says without comment", people have treated 2020 as something that happened to Trump while the fallout from it (2021 onward) is all Biden's fault.

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Totally agree with you about the foolishness of a “let’s move on” approach, especially when Republicans clearly hadn’t.

Will the infrastructure bill deliver any key swing state votes when it comes down to it? Dems are putting everything down on Dobbs, which they obviously would’ve preferred hadn’t happened, and Trump’s extremism, which they didn’t effectively dismantle when they had the chance. I endured a lot of invective from Garland defenders at my old stomping grounds but we can now see the reality that Garland was a terrible AG choice and Sally Yates or Doug Jones would’ve been far better -- with the goal from day one to bring down Trump.

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May 28Liked by Stephen Robinson

Part of the problem I think is they are looking at Obama's example and thinking "he got re-elected" but forgetting that his re-election was close (at least compared to his first election--first time an incumbent was re-elected by a tighter margin) and Republicans were able to stifle his domestic agenda after 2010. "Moving on" from campaign mode simply doesn't work--it's a constant battle which only begins after election.

I haven't seen any polling showing that voters are being moved by Biden's policies (like infrastructure, IRA, etc.) though admittedly I haven't seen any polls where that was even asked. Dobbs I think motivates the upscale moderates that have been moving to the Democrats, but that may not be enough to outweigh the "occasional" voters who will decide this fall's election (seems on polling they're naturally more concerned with the economy than anything else). At this point I think Biden's weakness is going to be message and PR, rather than policy.

I'm with you on Garland--he's Biden's biggest and most fatal personnel mistake. Just absolutely the wrong man for the time, not a wartime consigliere, and he raises the question of why Biden would keep a man like that in office when at the same time he (Biden) is telling us we are fighting for democracy.

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Yes, whenever people mention 2012, I want to scream. Obama was never as consistently behind in the polls as Biden. And unlike in 2016 and 2024, his advantage in the electoral college was more stable.

More to the point, Romney was susceptible to political gravity. The 47 percent remark tanked him. Meanwhile, Trump is literally on trial and this race is competitive!

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May 28Liked by Stephen Robinson

And, losing to Romney would mean...what? Bad GOP policy, sure, like tax cuts, spending cuts (probably--usually when push comes to shove even GOP congresses pare things down when they get Susan Collinsey cold feet), right wing judges--but it's hard to imagine Romney siccing his DOJ on his enemies, refusing to leave office if he lost in 2016 to Hillary, extorting Ukraine--and that's assuming Romney somehow won the Senate that year. Without that, it'd be Romney gridlock, with a legislative output no different than Obama gridlock.

The price of losing in 2024 is some uncharted waters.

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May 28Liked by Stephen Robinson

My worry about that is the AG Isn't supposed to be a wartime consigliere, and things like this always come back to bite Democrats. Take, for example, Andrew Cuomo. He ran a tight ship filled with loyalist and ended up leaving landmines that screwed us later.

Also don't assume the lack of curiosity of the MSM (as an adjunct of the rightwing media centipede) will extend to Dems. After all, Sessions and Barr were every bit as corrupt and enabling as President Klan Robe (in fact really Sessions' only screwup vis-a-vis Klan Robe was recusing himself.)

'cause I promise you, all these hack 'journalist' will find their 'intrepid reporter' costumes and crawl up Biden's ass about, say, deliberately forcing a case against his predecessor because then it will get VERY bad.

Now for different reasons I think Garland should be gone, mainly for appointing Robert Hur. That was a ridiculous own-goal but that has to wait post-election. But I am not convinced that forcing a case to just go slapdash against President Klan Robe is the answer especially since so many people forget the last AG and DOJ was almost surely complicit in hiding evidence.

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I think the problem is that Democrats go too far in countering Republican excess. Trump thought the AG should be his personal Tom Hagen. That’s obviously wrong, but the response isn’t to hire someone like Garland when the biggest domestic threat is MAGA. That’s what Garland (and frankly Biden) didn’t want to address. You bring in Jones/Yates and have them start dismantling that threat on *day one.* That approach is only partisan if we essentially concede that only one party is committed to democracy.

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May 28Liked by Stephen Robinson

They think President Klan Robe is going to hurt the "right" people. These people would gladly burn their own houses down if it would hurt Black people worse, for example. There are so many nice things we could've had in this country but they wanted to listen to some asshole that told them a Black single mother on food stamps was driving around in a nice Cadillac, buying lobster tails.

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May 28Liked by Stephen Robinson

That explains the MAGAs, but there's still a spread of voters in the middle--the ones who broke for Biden last time but appear up for grabs now--who seem genuinely to buy this idea that Biden is at best incompetent, and at worst malicious, and that Trump may suck but he might suck in a way that benefits them (plus, they see 2019 as some rosy period because with the passage of time, things always have that sepia print of warm happiness).

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"they see 2019 as some rosy period" WHAT THE ACTUAL PHUQ

soory i take your point but "no COVID yet" cannot go down in history as a god-damned golden age

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The entire GOP has normalized Trump. He’s only treated as a genuine threat by half the nation (partisan Democrats who wouldn’t vote for a Republican anyway). Based on fundamentals (low approval, relatively high inflation, increased costs), Biden would be in trouble against a “normal” Republican, but Biden and Dems insist that voters will realize Trump isn’t “normal.” That is what seems risky to me.

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A lot of Americans are selfish and hateful. I mean really this is the common character of what's happened with Americans too. Democrats pull us out of crisis, Americans like to forget that and then become credulous for Republican "free lunch" lies. They love tax cuts after all, and explaining why paying taxes is good is a fool's errand.

And here is the other issue; if you have a large population that's amenable to the open ethnic cleansing and looks back fondly on people dying while keeping their prices low based on crashed demand...what even is the counterargument here? Biden's had rapid response to all these things but they don't get covered like the quintessential 'empty podium.' But if these folks can't be moved with simple decency, what even is the answer? President Klan Robe has SAID he is looking to be a dictator "on day one" lawl.

This isn't even the first potential setback in the USA. We all know about the horrors the Taney Court unleashed on us.

This low approval is also a forced meme too that bore fruit after Afghanistan, and so any future FUD is just going to be more post-hoc justification of low approval. At this point people say "I don't approve" because Biden has low-approval numbers. (Also part of the low approval is there's a Black woman too close to the presidency)

I'll speak for myself as I don't know the mind of the campaign. I actually think President Klan Robe *is* normal; he's the expected result of the modern incarnation of the Know Nothings, that melded like Voltron with the John Birch Party, the dregs of the Confederacy, Christian settler fundamentalism, and neo-Nazis.

It's my *hope* that there's enough Americans that will resist the urge of having ethnic cleansing and trade protectionism be applied as simple, pat perceived solutions for their problems. It's my *hope* that enough Americans can be mobilized on our side to see that yes, it's a good thing to forgive student debt. It's a good thing to protect trans kids. It's good to have freedom for vulnerable minorities.

But you and I both know, the story of America is always setbacks. Freedom is never free, and every inch we move forward has to be clawed through blood, sweat and tears. We watched America give Reagan two terms as he continued to hollow out our communities and ruin lives for millions. We gave Dumbya two terms after people claimed to hate the Iraq War (in fact the only two prominent people that suffered ANY consequences were John Kerry and Hillary Clinton). And this country, punishing Hillary Clinton partially for Bill Clinton's sins as well as shit we don't apparently care about anymore, gave us President Klan Robe.

That's why I say we go out and vote and leave it all on the road. If it's what Americans choose, it ain't the first time and it won't be the last. And we'll have to live with it. But we can live with a free conscience because we didn't succumb to FUD and did the right thing.

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I think part of the problem is "not normal" isn't really a bad thing for a lot of voters--so Trump wants to go after his enemies? So what, I'm not one of his enemies! What Democrats have to impart to voters is "here's how Trump will make YOUR life worse, in terms you can relate to" and "here's how he already did, because this guy has a track record".

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Well they are doing that. I got the Dem campaigns' messages loud and clear. Biden/Harris' ads made sense to me. Am I just special?

I think the danger here is what if they are fine with their lives being made worse so that they can hurt, for example, Black people worse? What if they *want* the ethnic cleansing, putting undocumented Hispanics (let's be honest it'll just be Hispanics and African immigrants) in the concentration camps?

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May 28Liked by Stephen Robinson

I’m with you. I do not get it. I owe part of it to brainwashing via Fox. I gave a friend I argued with a couple of months ago; her arguments were Fox talking points. She’d not heard of The Heritage Foundation nor project 2025. She just knows that Biden is just as divisive as Trump, and just as hateful. I absolutely do not get it.

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It's a major imbalance in the information war. Left wing media simply isn't as influential (there's no liberal Fox News) and what there is, is not coordinated. And the Democrats as a party are too divided and too many of them simply hope the media will do its job. So the public is getting a very different message, all the time.

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Hell not only do they have their various cable networks but they have assets like Sinclair that deposit their end products of the media human centipede right in voters' mouths. You can launder so much agitprop that way.

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And Fox is the biggest of the cable news networks. Add to that Newsmax and OAN (smaller but appealing to a particular band of crazy), Fox Business, the Sinclair groups (which if anything are more effective, because they're more subtle than Fox in getting right wing stories through, appearing like your local news stations), then right wing websites that are influential and often self-reinforcing, tabloid papers (that get more circulation that a lot of legacy media papers)--it's a vast information network, and a well-coordinated one.

Then you have legacy media which is driven by ratings and which Republicans have learned over the years how to manipulate, and there's just not much that the liberals have to fight back against it. And what's worse, too many liberals show no interest in HAVING anything to fight back against it, because "we should not be like Fox News".

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Honestly we had networks but they collapsed (I remember Current TV for example) because people just wont' watch them. If we could watch leftwing media that would be good. I see Brian Tyler Cohen trying to combine a lot of assets but that's one guy with under 3 million subs on YouTube.

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Yeah, I remember Air America was a flop for Talk Radio too. Though I imagine there's nothing inherent in liberal opinion or liberal news that makes it unable to win viewers--they just have to find their niche.

Part of it also is to do something right wing media has done well--produce it for not just news junkies but for those who are looking to be entertained as well.

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Yes. I think conservatives tend to be more hive minded, for lack of a better term.

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May 28Liked by Stephen Robinson

This is the payoff for decades of Rush, Fox, and assorted well funded foundations. Any Dem in a position of power is monster who must be stopped before he/she opens the literal Gates Of Hell and destroys your civilization.

In the '90's a leftist pundit pointed out that if Clinton was forced out by Whitewater, Gore would morph into Public Enemy Number One by the time he took his hand off the Bible.

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May 28Liked by Stephen Robinson

I remember when Clinton was the Right Wing's bete noire. Then it was Gore, then Kerry, then Obama, then Hillary, now Biden. Each is the "worst ever".

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May 28Liked by Stephen Robinson

That's why I could never be a RW conservative... i just can't keep my outrage level up for that long.

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May 28Liked by Stephen Robinson

Have any GOPers given a thought to what happens after all their dreams come true?

An authoritarian Maximum Leader can tolerate no threats, real or imagined.

One doesn't need to suddenly grow a conscience to wind up on the naughty list. All it takes is a degree of popularity and the potential to become an axis for an opposition movement.

Nikki Haley may be the first American politician to vote for her own arrest.

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Have those sycophantic media barons given a thought to that? They seem to have forgotten who went on about “fake news” and the “dishonest media”. Do they honestly think he will spare them???

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The movie “the death of Stalin” shows how crazy it could get...

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She won't be the last. All of them want the good graces of his Nazi cultists. They all roll over and show their soft bellies the minute President Klan Robe even looks askance at them.

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They figure they’ll always bow to dear leader. He’s a means to an end. The fact that the party machine kowtows to them is just cynicism. The fact that actual citizens believe this hateful, sociopathic person is what really concerns me.

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