For me, West Wing was always aspirational. It was like a political version of Star Trek (OS and TNG in particular), in that it painted an idyllic-leaning society with flawed but sympathetic (and often hot) characters dealing with the issues at hand out in the real world. It was kind of like a sandbox, that tried ideas on for size.

I've seen most episodes 4 times. I watched it, often with tears in my eyes and anger in my heart, the first year Trump was in office; appalling how many issues the show addressed were still current then, and still are.

I'll watch it again, but it's going to be a little while. I think I'd just bawl my way through even the funny parts right now.

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There are parts that are always funny, parts that are always heartbreaking, parts that are triumphant, and they all make up for the parts that don't hold up very well.

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I grew up with the Ancien Regime: Hal Holbrook as always the President. Thanks for exploring the Middle Period: Jeb Bartlet (and I would say, Bill Pullman in "Independence Day"). We are apparently approaching the Sick Man of North America period.

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Thanks also for ensuring that I always spell "Bartlet" correctly!

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Actually, I think you corrected me on it years ago, though it took awhile to stick ;).

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I also credit West Wing with the best description of my alcoholism from Leo McGarry:

'I don't understand people who say: 'Let's have -a- drink'

I don't want *one* drink... I want *ten* drinks'

I've cut back a lot in the last 25 years, but was drinking daily at that time.

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Still rewatch some episodes for the standout dialogue (yeah, I know) and funny bits... Josh trying to communicate with his online chat group Lemon-Lyman (It's like Lord of the Flies in there) and being told by CJ to never go online to that chat group again:

CJ: If you do that again, I'll ram this motherboard so far...

Josh: Uh, CJ, technically I outrank you


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Much like LAW & ORDER, WEST WING was often funnier to me than a lot of sitcoms of the same period.

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I mean…

Bartlet: I wasn’t supposed to take them both?

Leo: [eyeballs emoji]


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One of the best moments of the show ever. “The internet people have gone crazy!” “YOU’RE KIDDING.”

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Donna Moss shocked face... lol

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I saw on one of our "terrestrial" channels that also streams that they have "The West Wing" (which, now that I live in the UK, was a bit of a surprise to me). I watched it when it first started in '99 but, several years later, I had a job that meant I had to work on the night it was on and kinda lost track of what was going on. Now I want to binge it. When I suggested it to my (British) husband, he gave me kind of a "meh" look so I may just do it when he isn't around. Then I can drool over my 25-year crush, Bradley Whitford, in peace, lol.

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I wanted to be a Josh but alas, I'm Toby at heart.

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I also have this affliction.

Since Jamie opened the door to post season 4 hate, Toby's leak storyline is some bullshit. If they wanted to fire Toby for drama, fine, there were plenty of ways to do that. But having him leak classified data is some bullshit.

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Yeah, that storyline was unforgivable. For me, The West Wing begins with Sam Seaborn in a bar and ends with him walking out of a bar. But I’ll allow for Toby’s babies. And Marion Coastsworth-Haye. But that is IT.

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There is a lot ot like in seasons 5-7. Clearly the Toby's babies and Francis Scott Key Key, and Will Bailey was great until he went Team Bingo Bob. However, where things really go off the rails is when they tried to do an episode of 24 when Bartlet, Charlie, and Debbie had to be in the bunker because of the perfume attack. That was also dumb as balls.

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Speaking of Bingo Bob, is there a SAG rule that says Gary Cole must appear in every political or politics adjacent show on TV. AI might be a threat, but god damn Gary Cole is the true insidious threat here.

J/K, I love him.

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There’s an urban legend that Ted McGinley places a curse on every show he’s on because he’ll appear on a show and it’ll be canceled not long after. But he hosted Capitol Beat for a while!

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