Lost me at Bongino. He always has a "source". VP was scheduled to go to Texas, the border, in early 2021. He went on his show yapping about the "rediculous" assignment a buddy was on. That he called him from the hotel. Gave the location on air. Her trip was canceled. Councidence?

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Throwing tampons??// Just like a Jackie Chan movie- use what you have at hand for defense!

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The same assholes who bemoan DEI are the same assholes who hold women to this ridiculously high standards in comparison to men in the same position. I'm sure there's been a few dozen fucked up male secret service agents in it's time, and most likely, the public never even heard about most of their problems because that's just not something they would advertise willingly, and they probably handle their issues in house like their fascist police brethren. Let a woman fuck up, though, and suddenly no women should even be secret service according to them. Fuck these knuckle draggers.

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Apr 29Liked by Stephen Robinson

F'd up SS agents? Dan Boingino come on down!!!!!

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Correct! 😁

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The same assholes who bemoan DEI are the same assholes who hold women to this ridiculously high standards in comparison to men in the same position. I'm sure there's been a few dozen fucked up male secret service agents in it's time, and most likely, the public never even heard about most of their problems because that's just not something they would advertise willingly, and they probably handle their issues in house like their fascist police brethren. Let a woman fuck up, though, and suddenly no women should even be secret service according to them. Fuck these knuckle draggers.

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Apr 29·edited Apr 29Liked by Stephen Robinson

It is blatantly clear to me that this Secret Service agent suffered a psychotic break, all too likely related to ongoing mental health issues that had finally compounded and instigated her breakdown.

I minored in psychology with an emphasis on abnormal psychology in college. I grew up around too many mentally ill family member suffering varying degrees of mental illness and I wanted to figure out what in the fuck was wrong with my family. If nothing else it's left me with a certain amount of insight regarding individuals like this Secret Service agent.

I hope with every fiber of my being that she gets the help she needs and finds peace.

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She is willing to get in the face of power - (she is not going along to get along) - besides her ‘behavior’ - what ELSE is going on - (people don’t just come to work one day and melt down) -

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Apr 28Liked by Stephen Robinson

So when the white men in Obama's detail spent their time in Columbia doing hookers and blow rather than setting up the security for Obama's visit the next day, was that DEI?

Pretty sure bongino was one of the boys.

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Apr 28Liked by Stephen Robinson

Ever since the morning of 1/6/21, when, at the time VP-elect Harris, was escorted by agents to the DNC in DC, after her security detail had done a thoroughly inadequate sweep of the building and surrounding area, and completely ignored one of the two bombs which were in plain sight, one near the DNC, and the other near the RNC, I have been extremely concerned about her safety. A random citizen noticed the bomb, alerted authorities, and Kamala Harris' security detail then evacuated her from the DNC.

We have all seen the stories about the carelessness, burn-out attitudes, obliviousness, and deliberate destruction of likely criminal evidence (texts, emails) by agents. The problem with the USSS seems to be rampant incompetence, and unprofessionalism. It would be enough to give any normal person exposed to that toxic work environment some serious anxiety and potential mental health issues.

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Apr 28Liked by Stephen Robinson

I had a co-worker whose daughter joined the Secret Service. She was vetted six ways to Sunday. Co-worker was a naturalized citizen of more than thirty years and even that required major evaluation and interviews. No one is getting hired to protect the VP without major vetting.

Shocking that they are offended by DEI initiatives that might expand the Service to highly qualified women and people of color. The resultant reduction of positions available for mediocre white dudes is clearly the biggest issue here. Won’t someone think of unit cohesion? Ladies are led by hormones, it endangers everyone! How will we get them menstrual products at the front? No, wait - I have slipped into the arguments against women in combat during the Iraq war! Their playbook is so repetitive.

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Apr 28Liked by Stephen Robinson

> Only shameless bigots would suggest that DEI can only result in lowered standards for employees.

DEI doesn't lower standards, it just broadens horizons.

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Apr 29Liked by Stephen Robinson

They really are not to bright.

Are male Secret Service agents following VP Harris or Secretary Yellen into the public bathroom?

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Apr 28Liked by Stephen Robinson

Did they find all those SS text messages from January 6th yet?

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Apr 26Liked by Stephen Robinson

“Now Herczeg is set to get dragged through the mud, and her mental health callously weaponized against DEI programs. I don’t think she should continue to serve in Vice President Harris’s detail, but I also don’t think she deserves the hatchet job she’s about to endure.”

Sad and accurate summation of this ugly situation. Racism and misogyny continue to be the rot at America’s foundations; we miss out on so much potential to be a really awesome country by half-assing/avoiding the work to, if not eradicate them completely because humans, at least greatly lessen their impacts on society.

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Apr 26·edited Apr 26Liked by Stephen Robinson

I am so tired and worried about this hinkiness (and conspiracy) about the Secret Service agents around Kamala Harris and Joe Biden. Really just pisses me off. And of course the rightwing assholes appropriate things relevant to minorities to use to harm us. I do hope Herczeg gets help at the very least.

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Apr 26Liked by Stephen Robinson

DEI is the go-to boogeyman for everything under the sun these days. You’d be hard pressed to find any company or organization that doesn’t have some kind of DEI policy even if it isn’t labeled as such. The company I worked for before I retired had to have such a policy in place because many clients demanded it.

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Apr 26Liked by Stephen Robinson

Halfway through, I was thinking her "going to burn in hell" comment was reference to some sort of abuse from fellow agents. The final section almost implies so by denial -- "she's made claims before that were dismissed" is a defensive stance. Although it is entirely possible she was having a mental health crisis for other reasons. I'm glad nobody was hurt.

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Apr 26Liked by Stephen Robinson

𝑬𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝒊𝒇 𝑯𝒆𝒓𝒄𝒛𝒆𝒈 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒘𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒅, 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒃𝒆𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒇𝒍𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒔 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒚 𝒖𝒑𝒐𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓.

Stephen, you already know that is only true for straight, white males. As for that Boing person, who was in the SS, left because of “the fog of scandals in the Obama administration.” What scandals?

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IIRC the scandals had to do with Secret Service agents, hookers, and blow in hotels in Colombia; no scandals involving Barry as far as I can remember.

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Apr 28Liked by Stephen Robinson

You are correct

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Apr 26Liked by Stephen Robinson

Tan Suit, Coffee-salute, Mustardgate

I have seen the attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Michelle Obama...

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