‘I find watching a murder mystery incredibly satisfying in our uncertain times. There is an agreement between the show and the viewer that at the end of the program you will get an answer to the question “Who done it?” and the bad guy will see justice. It’s incredibly cathartic when you’re living in a time short on answers and you’re watching as so many men, including one who may be President again, skirt the law.’

I got heavily into Nordic Noir early in Trump I think for exactly that reason. That sense of humble often slightly broken people in a broken world patiently working out what happened. Something reassuring about that. Watched a tonne of things on Netflix—Wallander, Trapped, Deadwind, Bordertown, sure I am forgetting several. And things not really Nordic but with similar aesthetics—Shetland, Broadchurch, Hinterland. And Black Spot, with its slightly comic, referential spin on it. And yeah, think it’s that. There’s that kinda Shakespearean sense of a restoral of order. Or I guess a lesser disorder. No one thinks everything is fixed at the end. The usually rather flawed protagonists least of all. But we do understand through patient peering under stones what happened. Times like these, yeah, that’s comfort.

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Substack needs to get it together

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So sorry for the hassle but really appreciate your support!

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I’m so sorry to hear that! Thank you so much for persevering anyway! Your support is so appreciated. Have a lovely weekend!

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I think that some wags have calculated that Midsomer, England has the highest per-capita murder rate of anywhere in the world except Cabot Cove, Maine.

In 2016 I finally went to bed election night while things were still unsettled, but it was not good. In 2020 I went to bed after Fox had called Arizona for Biden, and even though the GOP was throwing as much sand, rocks, random chunks of steel and sabots into the couting process, I felt like it was going to end well.

But then I also felt like this https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DrRYEXfU0AAgphf?format=jpg&name=small which was one of a million similar memes "Me voting in 2016, me voting in 2018"

I am catiously optimistic, but trump's gopnna play his stupid election night 'red mirage' bullshit again...but it's tired, HE's obviously tired, and decompensating rapidly, in public.

He wants to have his followers rise up and riot again, but I honestly think that he used all those folks up on J6. The ones he has left are content to wallow in their kayfabe, but to takeaction in the real world? Not so much.

They're not going away and the people behind Trump remain seriously dangerous; their hubris got the better of them this year, publishing their plans like they had already won (project 2025, for example) but they represent a longstanding authoritarian wing of the GOP that predated Trump by decades; heck they've been plotting and working since the Great Class Traitor FDR won in 1932, after all. They'll always be the fascist wolf at the door.We'll just have to keep beating them back under their rocks.

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