May 6Liked by Stephen Robinson

I don't think we should rule out the likelihood that Trump is on a LOT of prescription drugs, likely prescribed by the various quacks he has overseeing his health. Remember how he fought like hell to keep his medical records from going public, and there have been recent reports of rampant drug abuse in the Trump White House. Trump could be on a lot of drugs that keep him awake at night and crashing during the day, it could have some effect on his erratic moods and behaviors, and could be mitigating his unhealthy diet.

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Wonder if he paints those too? Probably contacts.

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Blue 👀 of hate…

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Wonder who told him he has 'beautiful blue eyes?'

How long ago was that?

He got squinty piggy eyes...and I don't want to run down the pigs...And his mouth? You needn't be able to lip read, to know it's just totally anger and hate coming out of it... Plus what a whispery voice... Yah, real manly. It's a prolapsed anus...

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Haberman epitomizes everything that’s wrong with the NYT.

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The Great Sleeping Debate- yes, the real debate is if he gets into full REM state or not during court.

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"Wednesday night, Haberman told CNN’s Kaitlan Collins that 'there’s this huge sleeping debate'"

"Maggot Hagerman," as Sleeply Blue Eyes calls her, is till giving Trump the benefit of the doubt.

These thristy media idiots still demand to be taken seriously.

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May 3Liked by Stephen Robinson

Since I have never been a defendant in a trial (criminal or civil), I am projecting how I think that I would be as the defendant - alert and wide awake, because I would be anxious about the outcome. I've read that people who have been involved in a lot of criminal trials, that is true of all of the defendants that they have come across - whether they are guilty or innocent. Because they are anxious about the outcome! Why isn't trump anxious enough to stay awake? Has he somehow rigged it so that he gets off, or at least has a hung jury? Or is he just so sleep deprived and so low energy, that he falls asleep? Or both?

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I've never been a defendant but did serve on a jury, and even in that position--knowing the result had no effect on me personally--I found myself pretty riveted throughout.

I could sort of understand a mere observer nodding off during a trial that hinges on obscure esoterica but note that in jury trials, the attorneys are working hard to keep the juries riveted so even in what may seem like boring subject matter they go out of their way to make it interesting and easy to follow. (The real boring stuff--fights over evidence and rules of law--happens just between the attorneys and judge, outside the view of the jury).

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May 3Liked by Stephen Robinson

"especially not today(!!)"

> what a maroon

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Future Haberman: He's actually just pining for the fjords

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May 3Liked by Stephen Robinson

Ooh, can we nail him to the perch?

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May 3Liked by Stephen Robinson

The most pathetic thing is the gabsplaining from New-Smacks and Fawks Snooz about how this is a power move for Dotard: ' The trial is so boring, he's falling asleep out of contempt... AND WHO WOULDN'T?


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May 3Liked by Stephen Robinson

Trump’s back to calling Biden “Sleepy Joe.” According to the Law of Projection (Second Law of Truthlessdynamics), this confirms he himself is falling asleep in public.

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May 3Liked by Stephen Robinson

Sounds like our former president is on Adderall. Be irresponsible notto speculate. Hitler also got hepped up on amphetamines, iirc.

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May 3Liked by Stephen Robinson

Definitely also having withdrawals from the Diet Coke habit and his circadians are fucked. That's what shitposting all through the night gets you when there's important big boy business to handle in court!

But I guess in the end he knows he has his pet media human centipede to inject spin for him into the public consciousness. And he'll always have his cultists as well as ladder pullers and other malcontents who want him to have his revenge on all of us. And of course there's always the threat of jury nullification in his favor. It's a win-win for this asshole.

Of course if we work hard we can have the last laugh this fall!

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May 3Liked by Stephen Robinson

Closing the eyes may induce sleep in most mammals.

Are we sure Adolf Scheissenpantz is a mammal?

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May 3Liked by Stephen Robinson

I did once drop off in court (and not after a liquid lunch either). Fortunately it was during my opposing counsel’s cross examination, not during my own.

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