I’ve always been confused about so-called Christian celebrations of Easter, that also include false idolatry of a rabbit that apparently lays eggs. Sounds a little “trans-genus” to me.

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It would be nice if Politico, having found out the facts and found out that Republicans are liars, would react to the next Republican press release they get by saying “Oh wait a minute—these guys are liars.” But they won’t. They’ll just pass along the latest Radio Rwanda talking points.

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And here we are, more hate dumped on vulnerable people and spread like wildfire. The right-wing media human centipede is all-seeing, designed only for destruction.

So much to unpack here, from Speaker Covenant Eyes to the usual fakes and wingnuts. But I have to again give dishonorable mention to the second-fakest House Rep, Stefanik. I expect that level of dipshittery from a barely literate clown like Marjorie Three Names. But Stefanik can't possibly believe this. It is like her fellow traveler in fakery Nancy Mace.

Last but not least, of course Rufo ate Caitlin Jenner's facre This woman gets so many wake-up calls and keeps hitting snooze. It may never sink in.

But yeah this is what happens when you have no policies, no solutions. Just that hate that tickles the no-no spots of their unreconstructed supporters. It is quite a country that such people have institutional advantage. Ah well it is baked into the cake.

Make them cry this November, folks. Mount up.

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This is all so obvious to me. These people know what they are saying is misleading (lies), but they also know that the people listening to them don't have the brains to check facts. So they are taking the half truths and selling them as not just the whole truth, but as an example of how evil the other side is and how much they are hated. A basket full of deplorables clutching their guns and bibles.

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so, why is Cokehead Jr. attacking Michelle Obama? He thinks the meme is funny thing on Trans Recognition Day? Or he's just 10 years behind the times?

Either way, he and Eric definitely couldn't find the eggs Melania hid undecorated in their container in the refrigerator.

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It is a two-fer, it is also a way to mark Black women as unattractive. A number of chuds in the manosohere do this.

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Apr 1Liked by Stephen Robinson

Victimhood must be a helluva good drug because the religious kooks are so addicted to it. I’m not passing that joint to anyone.

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Apr 1Liked by Stephen Robinson

“The Biden White House has declared Easter Sunday ‘trans visibility day.’ No. It is resurrection day. We will not bow to the new gods of your new religion.” - If there’s one thing the Christian right covets it is victimhood. Since they are not, and never will be, a truly victimized minority they content themselves with victim cosplay instead. Jenna Ellis was particularly good at this and it ultimately did not work out well for her.

As for the doddering, senile Biden (who is also, simultaneously, somehow, an insidious criminal mastermind) replacing Easter, all I know is that my favorite part of Transgender Day of Invisibility is the day after when all the Transgender Day candy is 50% off at CVS.

These vicious, ignorant bigots continue to commit idolatry, worshipping their shambolic, actually blasphemous, wicked bible selling god-king in Depends, a dyed rats nest bouffant, and a sloppily sprayed on tan, while squawking about an actual devout Catholic (it is funny how they separate out Catholics from other Christians) simply proclaiming support for a marginalized group and a day that has been on the calendar since 2009. It truly is remarkable how they’ve turned war into peace, and encourage the denial of evidence offered by our own eyes and ears. When intolerance, cruelty, and apostasy are the tenets of a religion you have utterly corrupted from the inside out, tolerance, kindness, and devotion would truly seem offensive I suppose. As a non-Easter celebrating American it’s an exercise in sociology to watch this play out from the stands. But as an American American it’s also an exercise in migraine management.

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Apr 1Liked by Stephen Robinson

I say that if they want to be victims so damned hard, we just let them have what they want.


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I am woman, hear me roar in numbers to great to ignore! Prophecy?

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Apr 1Liked by Stephen Robinson


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Apr 1Liked by Stephen Robinson

- It’s not entirely incongruous, though. Bigots have long used religion to justify their own hatred, and Trump is hatred and viciousness personified. He’s the true representation of their faith, not a simple carpenter who preached love and tolerance. Trump’s cruel to the people they hate, and that’s what brings them to their knees.

Yes! This, This, This! Also too, I'll never understand how these vile mfrs can condone their own trashing of someone I suspect many of them secretly admire. I'm talking about Michelle Obama. It's not enough to be in disagreement with someone, they have to try and humiliate them. So, the worst they can do to her is claim she's not what she appears to be and tie her to a marginalized group that has her full support. I don't think it's quite the burn they think it is. As always, what they find repulsive tells us everything about them.

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Apr 1Liked by Stephen Robinson

Fun fact I just noticed in the massive Ullrich Hitler bio (yeah I’m a blast at parties)...

In 1929, the NSDAP (the Nazi party) on the rise, joined a coalition government in Thuringia (a state in central Germany). The Nazis were given the state ministries of interior and education to run. They appointed Wilhelm Frick—later executed following the Nuremberg trials for crimes against humanity—minister. This made him the first Nazi to hold a ministerial level post in Germany...

... he promptly made prayers mandatory in schools, telling the Landtag (state legislative assembly) this was to “prevent the people being swindled by Marxism and the Jews.”

... yep, religion as a cudgel has always been a fascist play.

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Apr 1Liked by Stephen Robinson

Whenever I hear some assclown complain about divisive politics, my question is am I supposed to unite with you or are you going to unite with me? The answer is always me with you...

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Apr 1Liked by Stephen Robinson

I’m not up to date on internet speak but when I see a Trump screed the letters TL/DR spring to mind.

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Apr 1Liked by Stephen Robinson

I never read...

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Apr 1Liked by Stephen Robinson

Interesting that probably one of the most faith driven presidents we’ve had since Carter is reviled as satanic. Biden’s faith has gotten him through losses of two children, his wife, and all the troubles with an addicted son. Yet he carries on. If you knew him as a neighbor or a guy from work, you’d admire him for it.

But because he’s a Democrat running against a shit show of a human who has enablers up his ass, he’s the Prince of Darkness. projection much?

Also I can’t imagine any life situation where I’d want Trump as a neighbor, co worker, or guy at the restaurant table next to me.

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1

The only sincere patriotism, or religion, given media views of this subject, is Republican. Note that the mass media drew no contrast with the DNC celebrating America in its convention to the RNC worship of President Klan Robe.

“True” Christianity is hatred, the subjugation of those who are different. “True” patriotism is the rural, insular and hateful conservative, the proud people counteracting the dens of iniquities in the cities. This is where the phrase “Real America” gets its origin.

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Apr 1Liked by Stephen Robinson

Nothing makes a dishonorable person more rabid with hate than seeing an honorable person, because it's a living indictment of the choices they've made for themselves.

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Apr 1Liked by Stephen Robinson

Very true.

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Apr 1Liked by Stephen Robinson

It’s another reminder: we have absolutely nothing in our political party’s agenda except for tax cuts to zillionaires. Zip. Nada. Bupkis. But that doesn’t sell like hatred against minorities. Don Jr’s post about Michelle Obama shows that he’s an overgrown toddler just like his disgusting father.

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Apr 1Liked by Stephen Robinson

Jr is a sad little clown just aching for daddy’s love. I wish some dad had loved some kid in this family so we wouldn’t have to deal with their sociopathy on a daily basis.

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Apr 1Liked by Stephen Robinson

It was wonderful, on this holiday celebrating love and peace, to just let the Christian® positive vibes wash over you...and smack you to the ground with their lies, hatred, threats, and superiority. But please, go on about how fewer people are going to church these days...

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1Liked by Stephen Robinson

This obsession of MAGA people with Christianist fetish objects (eggs, trees) while clearly despising the actual message of faith is parallel to their obsession with Americany fetish objects (flags, founding father outfits) while despising the actual message of democracy

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Apr 1Liked by Stephen Robinson

Right? The eggs aren’t in the New Testament. The bunny? Not a Christian thing I think those are all pagan rituals. Don’t get me wrong. I eat my share of Peeps, but let’s not say the Easter bunny was there when the stone was turned away.

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Apr 1Liked by Stephen Robinson

One would think all of this phony outrage would be exhausting, so these people must actually enjoy it.

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It's why they get up in the morning, to pretend to be history's most put upon majority.

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