That was THE WEIRDEST interview and I was wondering
- if anyone else had caught that
- if anyone was on PR duty in his office (though given the seizures they had gotten from his supposed *fundraising* mastermind ... maybe that was better instead of worse)
- why any network, even if it was WPIX, had bothered to put this library- and park-closing criminal on the air 🤔
- how much longer we have to put up with his skimming and grifting and overpolicing for his cronies before we can throw him out of Gracie Mansion.
Even Rudi Ghooli didn't try to close the libraries and parks so the kids had no place to go other than end up in custody
"Manhattan Clam Chowder" is SUCH an oxymoron.
That is the only time I will reference this canned-clam monstrosity.
Holy crapahooey. Miss South Carolina.
That was THE WEIRDEST interview and I was wondering
- if anyone else had caught that
- if anyone was on PR duty in his office (though given the seizures they had gotten from his supposed *fundraising* mastermind ... maybe that was better instead of worse)
- why any network, even if it was WPIX, had bothered to put this library- and park-closing criminal on the air 🤔
- how much longer we have to put up with his skimming and grifting and overpolicing for his cronies before we can throw him out of Gracie Mansion.
Even Rudi Ghooli didn't try to close the libraries and parks so the kids had no place to go other than end up in custody