I have to agree—J.D. Vance may not be a literal couchfucker, but he sure acts like he is!

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What do U say to two jerks on a couch?

Rollover and don't let the Crack stop U!

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I need to signal to people that I'm a serious political commentator.

This means that I have to celebrate the humour of the Republicans' candidate when he "playfully" nicknames his rivals and talks about the size of his penis in debates, because this brash, brawling style is a breath of fresh air in the stuffy, elitist world of DC politics that reinvigorates so-called "flyover" America, and lets them know this is their guy- a no-holds-barred performer who relishes the fight and keeps them spellbound with his clever zingers like calling women "nasty". It also means I have to beg Democrats to be more relatable and less elitist, while also scolding them for ever letting any humour enter their discourse. This is a serious business- if you really believe Trump threatens democracy, would you spend your time trying to undermine his campaign with mockery?


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Yeah politico can fuck all the way off. If you (politico, nyt .... )(You, you) did your job as a journalist, maybe people would be paying attention to the actual lies and harm and yes, evil that maga has done ...but corporate media sucks dick balls. And we might still joke about the couch. but I think people are hilarious about it because it's the only thing the media will talk about, they won't talk about post-birth abortion bullshit. No one has fact checked them on that stupid phrase. Except on Twitter I see people saying yes school shootings are post birth abortion.

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Ire not at journalist SER of course.

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Lord Hawley Hawley struck an Angry Old John Travolta pose for the insurrectionists but then ran like a scared rabbit when they came. Great leadership skills there!

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If Jake Dickface was just a run of the mill fucker, I’d label him a fuckwit or a fuckwad. However, he is creepy gross and the addition of “couch” in front of “fucker” gives the description that je ne sais quoi it so richly deserves.

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I feel like you are trying to make “couch fucker” happen, and I am HERE. FOR. IT.

Josh Hawley is such a couch fucker. So’s Ted Cruz for that matter.

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As much as I appreciate Jesus' advice to turn the other cheek, sometimes you have to listen to Jim Malone's advice instead when you're trying to bring down smug, dishonest, dirty sleazeballs:

"They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue."

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Ron Fournier. Noah Rothman. Megan McCardle. LOL! These people are literally typing from their sofas. Today’s equivalent of ‘phoning it in.’

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Buncha idiots, when they go low we need to step on their neck and curb stomp them.

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I can't wait for the VP debate. A football coach knows just how to deal with the young hotshot who thinks the rules don't apply to him.

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Edited to add: and so does a Master Sergeant.

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“Sold his soul for Pez” — I love it. 😂😂

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He has the best zingers for sure!

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SER was a must-subscribe for me. There are few people who can wield words like he can. Wish I could do that.

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Well, Seth..now don't poo poo your commentary too. It's always well measured, insightful and intelligent. I really enjoy your comments.

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Thanks a ton and I am always grateful for your support and camaraderie!

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JD Vance is the kind of guy you'd HATE in school--condescending, snobby, know it all. I went to elementary and junior high with a guy like that. I THOROUGHLY ENJOYED stepping over him to get to the podium to claim my academic rewards (two more than HE got, take that, Paul). It was the 1970; he was also a sexist, a word I knew even in 8th grade at a Catholic School.

I hope Madame Vice President, soon to be PRESIDENT, knows the same joy I felt when she steps over these smarmy assholes to claim her victory.

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read elsewhere: JD Vance is everyone's creepy ex-husband.

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That tracks considering how he is fucking STALKING Kamala Harris at airports. Like who even does that? It's such a President Klan Robe move.

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This was a dry run for a security breach. They are testing the waters to do it again and try to be intimidating. Dumbest motherfuckers on the planet

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Except poor Usha's.

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Shady Vance almost certainly had to have been a bully in school, especially the way he yelps when he gets even the mildest pushback for the shit he's dished out. Bullies never take it well when the tables get turned.

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"However, Walz retired from the National Guard in 2005 after 25 years of service — months before his unit received deployment orders"

And he would have had to put in his retirement request months before that, because military bureaucracy.

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I heard this new talking point on MPR today, and thought it was a really weird way to go. That's republicans' best reason that people should vote for Mr. Bonespurs instead?

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Every time I hear Vance speak, all I hear is a bad impression of one of the Trump kids (it's not surprise they lobbied for Jay-WeirD's selection), like someone who is trying his hardest to land a job at the Trump Org. This is, of course, very sad and pathetic for a myriad of obvious reasons, namely the fact Vance is arguably smarter than any of the Trumps. But Vance is a broken man completely blinded by ambition, devoid of anything resembling charisma, a sense of humor or dignity; he has debased himself to the point of no return, forever stuck between the couch cushions.

So as Stephen pointed out, he is objectively a metaphorical couch fucker.

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I for one believe he doth protest too much and is objectively a literal couch fucker.

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I mean we can't prove he DIDN'T do it...neither could the AP!

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He actually has an uncanny resemblance to Junior.

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And of course JD goes after the woman, who is running for President, not the man who is JD’s actual opponent

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