
SER (Primetimer): " . . . McDaniel, who will have to find someone else to pay her to lie for them."

Rather, McDaniel will have to find someone else to pay her to lie TO them and their viewers


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You can always fail up if you're Republican or Republican-adjacent.

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If NBC really wanted a recent RNC chair--and one who actually presided over a couple successful election cycles for the GOP, rather than one faceplant after another--they could have just gone with Reince Preibus (who also offers perspective as a former WH Chief of Staff). While he enabled and served Trump, I'm not aware of any major scandals or severe credibility issues for him. So why would they offer it to Ronna Romney instead?

NBC learned nothing from their disastrous hiring of that bigot-hack Megyn Kelly, and I hope they lose a bunch of money paying off Ronna as well. For a lot cheaper they could have hired some actual journalists who could develop and cover news stories, but as usual they showed their asses, demonstrating that they are not news but "infotainment".

Why liberals boycott Fox but watch this shit is beyond me.

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It also shouldn't have taken a revolt for the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard to kick Rick Snyder in the teeth. But instead they offered him a job sharing with students seeking a career in public service his insights on how to poison an entire city and not go to jail.

The old boy network is real, even if it's now slightly more gender inclusive.


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White women of privilege. Ronna McDaniel and Meghan Kelly are the ultimate ‘Karens.’

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If MSNBC wants to be taken seriously in reporting the news, why would they hire a known liar, who supports a known liar, and put her on Meet the Press??! Would the media have sought the help of Rudolf Hess in their coverage of Hitler? They cannot both-sides this and MSNBC has enough conservatives on staff, that they do not need someone to put their crazy right-wing spin on everything. Are they trying to be FOX News now? Did the NBC execs lose their collective minds? What is it about trump that leads to these situations? Because I don't see it. I have never seen it. To me he has always been super-creepy, and I mean way back as a young man. Creepy. To see a major news network turn itself in knots to try to lure his followers from FOX is ridiculous. Opinion, conjecture, lying, both-sides-ing, seldom have any place in actual broadcast news. Right now especially, we need hard facts and plain talk, and bring the receipts. How do we believe anything without that?

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Screw NBC and the money they will pay out in a settlement and lawyers fees.

I also like that news outlets are pointing mostly to what Maddow said especially where you don’t put a mafia man in the DA’s office.

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I liked the pickpocket at TSA.

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If Diogenes finds an honest pro-Trump Republican, hire him/her. I’ll be over here, whittling a Redwood log down to toothpick size.

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I literally burst out laughing at this. Well done.

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Your article is spot on. I always tried to make it a habit to watch and read Republican viewpoints in the past, but that ship sailed with Trump. I do appreciate Michael Steele, Nicole Wallace and former FL congressman David Jolly. I don’t appreciate the Ronna McDaniels of the world for pissing against the wind and telling me it’s raining.

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I’m conflicted here. All of the ‘never Trumper’ republicans ‘failing up’ or ‘falling up’ to six and seven figure cable ‘news’ salaries when it was their party and their awful ‘policies’ that opened the door for Trump. Nicole Wallace was responsible along with Steve Schmidt for delivering us Sarah Palin. In the real world in which I live, people doing their jobs that badly don’t get ‘promoted.’

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I don’t disagree, but I’m willing to listen to what they say because they have insight and knowledge about the GOP that we probably wouldn’t hear about otherwise.

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