WHAT A STORY THAT IS!! He should be memorialized for this.

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Feb 9·edited Feb 9

When I go to my sister's house, she lists all of the democrats who need to be impeached. I ask her why and she stumbles around angrily, yelling something about bathrooms. I counter - when feeling up to the strain of it - with all of the republicans who I think should be impeached. She asks me why and I quote them directly.

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Feb 9Liked by Stephen Robinson

“They likely can’t imagine that Green might have a different motivation for protecting Mayorkas. I doubt they can grasp any motivations that aren’t petty or hateful.”

People assume others share their morals and motivations. It’s why duplicitous people believe others would try to cheat them. And why good people let bad folks get away with things: They wouldn’t act badly towards others, so they assume others won’t act badly towards them.

For the Republicans, since they would never stand up on principle, especially if it meant discomforting themselves. So the idea that Green would leave a hospital bed to do the right thing is absolutely something that would never occur to them.

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Feb 8Liked by Stephen Robinson

They thought there’d be no math

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Feb 8Liked by Stephen Robinson

Because of Al Green and Jasmine Crockett I’m feeling a flicker of that old Texas pride I thought had been extinguished forever!

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Feb 12Liked by Stephen Robinson

I mean, Texas Democrats (going back a ways!) are the example all should live and work by!

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Feb 8Liked by Stephen Robinson

I love that Gaetz regrets the departure of Santos and Macarthy. I only wish he was also regretting the loss of all the insurrection supporters, including himself.

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Feb 8Liked by Stephen Robinson


The extra “e” is for “enough already.” Could stand for “evil” but that seems cliche.

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Feb 9Liked by Stephen Robinson

I’ll go with “effluvium”

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Feb 8Liked by Stephen Robinson

Marginal Tacky Greene thinks politics is a game of who-shouts-louder-wins. Sorry hun, but that is not a winning strategy.

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Feb 8Liked by Stephen Robinson

Nothing would please me more if that some time before I die, Congress uncaps the House of Representatives. This shit wouldn't even fly if the number of representatives actually kept pace with the population. Even creative gerrymandering wouldn't undo the natural Democratic majorities in a more democratic union.

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I live in Brooklyn. My rep has a constituency of well over 700,000. There are half-literate yahoos in North Dakota who represent well under 300,000. This is why we can't have nice things.

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Feb 8Liked by Stephen Robinson

Mad props to Al Green!! How typical of GOP to accuse the Dems of “hiding” him when they made the assumption he wouldn’t be there. GOP pettiness knows no bounds.

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Feb 8·edited Feb 8Liked by Stephen Robinson

"doubt [the Rs] can grasp any motivations that aren’t petty or hateful." So true...

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Feb 8Liked by Stephen Robinson

I wonder what would be worse for Republicans--to keep failing to impeach Mayorkas, or to actually move this forward, because in the latter case the entire set of hearings would focus on how Republicans held up Ukraine aid to pass a border bill, which they abruptly (and apparently without all their members getting the memo) decided was unnecessary because Biden already has all the tools necessary to secure the border, and now to save face they're trying to impeach a man without any specific crime or abuse to point to.

They're either too incompetent to win a vote they called for, or they're so weird and extreme that they'll turn off swing voters. They're doing everything possible to lose the House this fall.

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Feb 8Liked by Stephen Robinson

This absolutely made my morning, and not just because of the soul-satisfying sense of schadenfreude.

I love the idea that Democrats will lend a hand to actually govern, but"...won’t enable sham impeachments." Like you, I "doubt [the Rs] can grasp any motivations that aren’t petty or hateful." And Congressman Green is a hero, which helps offset the fact that Congresswoman Greene is an idiot.

As a recovering R (it's a little like being a recovering alcoholic, without meetings), this issue (and the border stupidity in general) get to the root of what has fundamentally changed my political thought over the last 15 years. Seeing conservative policies fail to produce and actually worsen deep-rooted problems in our society made me suspicious; but watching willfully ignorant miscreants celebrate those failures in racist and misogynist terms is what turned me away. To mis-quote Groucho Marx, I wouldn't want to belong to any club that had these morons as members.

Again, you put it best: "These are fundamentally bad people, and it makes them incapable of working together, which I suppose is a net positive." Thank heaven for small miracles...

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So well put! Thanks, Jeff.

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Feb 8Liked by Stephen Robinson

Welcome to the light!

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Feb 8Liked by Stephen Robinson

It reminded me of when we were trying to get the ACA passed, and literally got Senators Byrd and Kennedy from their deathbeds so the vote would pass the Senate.

I am so proud to be a Democrat these days. We're not perfect, we have our crooks and our cranks, but on our worst day, we're 1000 times better than the MAGA party.

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Gotta know how to whip your caucus. Government is an art form. Requires a specific skillset. Probably can't write the Great American Novel if you don't know the difference between there, their & they're.

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Feb 8Liked by Stephen Robinson

Thanks for introducing me to Rep Green. I didn’t know his congressional background.

And I find it appalling that someone referred to Mayorkas as a “reptile” because they don’t like border policy that they also refuse to fix. I feel like we’re being bullied every single day with NO ONE calling in the bullies’ parents.

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Feb 8Liked by Stephen Robinson

Or the VP forcing us to shake hands in his office.

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