Wow, Kari Lake recycles her material huh? Almost verbatim. Sounds to me like she’s less worried about Hillary Clinton and more worried about her mechanic. Everyone knows with a routine that hacky you need to mix it up a bit.
He’s never going to pick you for veep, sweetie. There isn’t enough Vaseline in the world to smear a lens that would make you relevant. What a despicable monster she is. PAB sure has a talent for bringing out the worst in people. I mean, she was already an asshole of course, but he seems to have really inspired her to plumb new depths. You can’t buy that kind of moral decrepitude. You have to nurture it, like a sapling. In hell.
It’s also funny that she keeps crying election fraud while repeatedly trying, and failing, to commit election fraud. Through the courts. Just like her lord and savior Genghis Con. IOKIYAR, as ever. Soulless ghoul. Just like Empty G that cross isn’t fooling anyone.
There is nobody that will be spared when a Republican needs to launder a narrative through their captive media human centipede. The only way to stop Lake will have to be some slander suits.
Also you know one of the greatest refutations of the so-called Clinton Body Count?
The two biggest population centers, Tucson and Phoenix, trend liberal. I guess she’s not very good at math. Does she think we just don’t exist out here in southern Arizona? Phoenix had Democratic mayors from the time we lived there in 2001 to 2022 when we moved to Tucson who just re-elected a democrat. There are liberals here!
Honestly. I know she’s a talking head (yap yap yap yap) but that’s just basic math.
Also, while Gov Hobbs isn’t the most riveting of speakers, she’s smart and decent
I guess the Seth Rich story is no longer game since Fox “News” settled that lawsuit by Rich’s parents. Dredging up Vince Foster’s sad end is the next best thing? Desperate times for Krazy Kari.
As the “gate” suffix shows, every Republican ratfucking of the Clintons is a response to the real, impeachable crime of Nixon’s Watergate. That the MSM frequently signs on to this grossly misleading association is but another variant of the bothside-ism that makes it hard to appreciate the true depth of Republican depravity.
For anyone younger or who does not remember Vince Foster, go no further than this post. Entirely factually correct. Mr. Foster succumbed, most likely to depression, and ended his life, which leaves anyone whose life the victim touched asking questions. I think most of us know a person, perhaps an extended family member or a co-worker, but we all have probably asked ourselves ”Why?”, knowing that the question is unanswerable. Blessings to the Foster family.
This is the first conspiracy theory I remember in the mainstream media aside from the JFK assassination (and that's pretty much baked into US history and culture now). Aside from real scandals like Iran/Contra which I vaguely remember or Watergate which I was a toddler for. So now I'm worried, because it is stories like these that FOX and others are peddling on the daily.
At that time, my sources would have been the New York Times, Detroit Free Press, and occasional NBC Nightly News. So I recall doing some responsible internet searches on this, going further to find credible sources, not dark internet corners. Today, there are not enough hours in a day to defuse the level of craziness in the news. (ooh- this paragraph just argued myself into a paid subscription)
My overall point about the Foster story being ”first” for me was me knowing the truth about a story and seeing otherwise in the press. The reporting was careful (I’m not slamming the NYT too hard) but enter Newt and Rush and now the reporting includes their opinion. They were the source of misinformation. It was around that time I started to become worried about the Republican Party.
All this right wing BS cost Hillary the presidency I think. My then 30 year old daughter didn’t support Hillary because “Hillary”. If she had looked more closely she would have seen how aligned Clinton was with her own principles.
I remember that flood of "scandal" at the time--helped along by a growing right wing press that would slant everything about the Clintons, as well as a Clinton operation that never figured out how to let smears collapse under their own bullshit (e.g., keep releasing statements and changing narratives, so the press--even the MSM--has something to report on, and keeps the story alive--making casual readers assume there must be a fire if there's so much smoke). The Clintons apparently still had not learned how to do this by 2016, to our ultimate chagrin.
The idea that Foster's death was anything other than a tragic suicide is belied by one very obvious point--if it was "suspicious" enough to suggest a murder (or that he was driven to it by a huge scandal) the GOP Attorney General of Virginia (Jim Gilmore, from 1994-1997) would have certainly launched a major investigation and uncovered something. The fact that anyone by 1999 could still think there was something there, and yet the GOP Congress and a GOP Special Counsel couldn't dig anything up, just shows that these people start from the premise of "I hate Clinton and he's a monster" and work backward to make up facts to support it.
And the fun part is this is all transferrable! Look how they're doing the same thing with Biden, who gives them even less to work with.
Well, Ken Starr was tasked with Whitewater in 1994 and ferretted around digging up dirt until he finally got something four years later and completely unrelated.
Which, the big story there should have been "Starr finds nothing he was tasked with looking for" rather than "whoops, looks like Clinton might have had an affair and lied about it in a civil suit".
Between the right wing media and a compliant MSM, and a Clinton team that just kept feeding that shit, that era was a nonstop flood of complete crap that really amounted to nothing. It's hard to explain to younger people just how devoid of substance most political reporting was back in the Clinton years. Though I think a lot of them got a taste of it with Hillary's last POTUS campaign.
No bottom to the hole she’s digging.
Kari Lake is what happens when an evil wizard creates a being out of the unflushed turds in a mar-a-lago toilet.
Boomers should stay off 4chan
Kari Lake is an absolutely wretched human being.
As my mother used to say, What a poor excuse for a human being!!
She needs more vasoline and soft focus for that camera shot, I can see her crows feet.
I would love for her to be sued all the way into obscurity. I hate that I know her name.
If I were ever to say anything at all that would make Hannity laugh like that, please kill me.
Wow, Kari Lake recycles her material huh? Almost verbatim. Sounds to me like she’s less worried about Hillary Clinton and more worried about her mechanic. Everyone knows with a routine that hacky you need to mix it up a bit.
He’s never going to pick you for veep, sweetie. There isn’t enough Vaseline in the world to smear a lens that would make you relevant. What a despicable monster she is. PAB sure has a talent for bringing out the worst in people. I mean, she was already an asshole of course, but he seems to have really inspired her to plumb new depths. You can’t buy that kind of moral decrepitude. You have to nurture it, like a sapling. In hell.
It’s also funny that she keeps crying election fraud while repeatedly trying, and failing, to commit election fraud. Through the courts. Just like her lord and savior Genghis Con. IOKIYAR, as ever. Soulless ghoul. Just like Empty G that cross isn’t fooling anyone.
Really great contextualization. Can't believe Corker writing a recommendation for a Hilary conspiracy book. What a crock.
There is nobody that will be spared when a Republican needs to launder a narrative through their captive media human centipede. The only way to stop Lake will have to be some slander suits.
Also you know one of the greatest refutations of the so-called Clinton Body Count?
Anthony Weiner still walks the earth.
The two biggest population centers, Tucson and Phoenix, trend liberal. I guess she’s not very good at math. Does she think we just don’t exist out here in southern Arizona? Phoenix had Democratic mayors from the time we lived there in 2001 to 2022 when we moved to Tucson who just re-elected a democrat. There are liberals here!
Honestly. I know she’s a talking head (yap yap yap yap) but that’s just basic math.
Also, while Gov Hobbs isn’t the most riveting of speakers, she’s smart and decent
I guess the Seth Rich story is no longer game since Fox “News” settled that lawsuit by Rich’s parents. Dredging up Vince Foster’s sad end is the next best thing? Desperate times for Krazy Kari.
As the “gate” suffix shows, every Republican ratfucking of the Clintons is a response to the real, impeachable crime of Nixon’s Watergate. That the MSM frequently signs on to this grossly misleading association is but another variant of the bothside-ism that makes it hard to appreciate the true depth of Republican depravity.
For anyone younger or who does not remember Vince Foster, go no further than this post. Entirely factually correct. Mr. Foster succumbed, most likely to depression, and ended his life, which leaves anyone whose life the victim touched asking questions. I think most of us know a person, perhaps an extended family member or a co-worker, but we all have probably asked ourselves ”Why?”, knowing that the question is unanswerable. Blessings to the Foster family.
This is the first conspiracy theory I remember in the mainstream media aside from the JFK assassination (and that's pretty much baked into US history and culture now). Aside from real scandals like Iran/Contra which I vaguely remember or Watergate which I was a toddler for. So now I'm worried, because it is stories like these that FOX and others are peddling on the daily.
At that time, my sources would have been the New York Times, Detroit Free Press, and occasional NBC Nightly News. So I recall doing some responsible internet searches on this, going further to find credible sources, not dark internet corners. Today, there are not enough hours in a day to defuse the level of craziness in the news. (ooh- this paragraph just argued myself into a paid subscription)
My overall point about the Foster story being ”first” for me was me knowing the truth about a story and seeing otherwise in the press. The reporting was careful (I’m not slamming the NYT too hard) but enter Newt and Rush and now the reporting includes their opinion. They were the source of misinformation. It was around that time I started to become worried about the Republican Party.
All this right wing BS cost Hillary the presidency I think. My then 30 year old daughter didn’t support Hillary because “Hillary”. If she had looked more closely she would have seen how aligned Clinton was with her own principles.
I remember that flood of "scandal" at the time--helped along by a growing right wing press that would slant everything about the Clintons, as well as a Clinton operation that never figured out how to let smears collapse under their own bullshit (e.g., keep releasing statements and changing narratives, so the press--even the MSM--has something to report on, and keeps the story alive--making casual readers assume there must be a fire if there's so much smoke). The Clintons apparently still had not learned how to do this by 2016, to our ultimate chagrin.
The idea that Foster's death was anything other than a tragic suicide is belied by one very obvious point--if it was "suspicious" enough to suggest a murder (or that he was driven to it by a huge scandal) the GOP Attorney General of Virginia (Jim Gilmore, from 1994-1997) would have certainly launched a major investigation and uncovered something. The fact that anyone by 1999 could still think there was something there, and yet the GOP Congress and a GOP Special Counsel couldn't dig anything up, just shows that these people start from the premise of "I hate Clinton and he's a monster" and work backward to make up facts to support it.
And the fun part is this is all transferrable! Look how they're doing the same thing with Biden, who gives them even less to work with.
Well, Ken Starr was tasked with Whitewater in 1994 and ferretted around digging up dirt until he finally got something four years later and completely unrelated.
Which, the big story there should have been "Starr finds nothing he was tasked with looking for" rather than "whoops, looks like Clinton might have had an affair and lied about it in a civil suit".
Between the right wing media and a compliant MSM, and a Clinton team that just kept feeding that shit, that era was a nonstop flood of complete crap that really amounted to nothing. It's hard to explain to younger people just how devoid of substance most political reporting was back in the Clinton years. Though I think a lot of them got a taste of it with Hillary's last POTUS campaign.